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Danger level 3
Type: Potentially Unwanted Application


Among useless applications and extensions there are those who prove to be more useless than others, and Video-Browse takes the cake. This search tool promises to offer a “new search experience,” but all it can actually do is redirect you to a legitimate search engine to show you results corresponding to your queries. If that was not enough, the extension is also unreliable because the results it shows via a third-party search engine are modified. Hopefully, you have not downloaded or interacted with this potentially unwanted program (PUP) yet, but if you have, we suggest deleting it without delay. Are you worried about your inexperience? If that is the only thing that is holding you back at this point, we are sure that you will find helpful tips and information in this article. If you are not yet sure if you want to remove Video-Browse, please continue reading. Also, if you have questions, post them below.

Google Chrome users are introduced to Video-Browse at video-browse.com and the Chrome web store (chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/video-browse-default-sear/objgodbhbjpbhabnjcpmbnncdjcohkhc). It also could be spread via third-party file-sharing websites or be introduced to you via redirects and pop-up ads. It was discovered that webcoapps is the creator of this PUP, and we are already familiar with this company because it was linked to at least one other potentially unwanted program, Searchsio. It also promises web browsing services that are neither useful nor trustworthy. Both Searchsio and Video-Browse hijack the browser’s homepage/New Tab and default search provider to present an unreliable search engine. The interface introduced via the homepage/New Tab is very minimal, and all you get is a search dialog box, where you are supposed to enter search keywords. Both PUPs redirect to Yahoo Search, and this, believe it or not, is the main reason to delete them from your Google Chrome browser.

You might think that we have an issue with Yahoo Search. We do not, but PUPs love this search engine because it can be personalized. When Video-Browse redirects you to search.yahoo.com (via feed.video-browse.com), it has the opportunity to showcase modified results, and these could easily be unreliable. As the Privacy Policy at webcoapps.com/privacy.html informs, the extension can collect non-personal information and then share it with third parties, such as “retailers, media networks, feed providers” to offer you something that you might find interesting. Your browsing history is recorded and analyzed by Video-Browse, which is why the modified results could seem very attractive. Do not take the bait. For all you know, the personalized search results could be used to trick you into visiting unreliable e-commerce websites or even scam websites. Hopefully, you are able to stay away from situations like that, but do you want to take risks for a service that’s not even useful? We are sure that you want to delete the PUP instead.

The instructions you can find below show how to delete Video-Browse from Google Chrome. The process is simple, and most people will not even need to follow any instructions or guides. The main question you need to ask yourself is whether or not the PUP is the only thing you need to eliminate from your operating system. You can employ a free malware scanner to examine your operating system. The tool will not delete anything, but if threats exist, you will be warned about their existence. Once you have the information you need, you can figure out what you should do next. Perhaps you need other manual removal guides? If you do, use the search tool on our website. Perhaps you need to delete something that you cannot eliminate yourself? If that is the case, use anti-malware software. You also should install it if you need protection against PUPs and other threats in the future. You might have tunnel vision right now, but note that PUPs are not the only threats that you could face.

N.B. Clear browsing data on Google Chrome to ensure that you eliminate any data-tracking tools that the potentially unwanted program could have employed.

Video-Browse Removal (Google Chrome)

  1. Open the browser.
  2. Enter chrome://extensions/ into the address bar at the top.
  3. Remove the extension.
  4. Enter chrome://settings/clearBrowserData.
  5. Click the Advanced tab.
  6. Choose an appropriate time range and the desired boxes.
  7. Click Clear data.
Download Spyware Removal Tool to Remove* Video-Browse
  • Quick & tested solution for Video-Browse removal.
  • 100% Free Scan for Windows

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