Click on screenshot to zoom
Danger level 8
Type: Trojans
Common infection symptoms:
  • Slow Computer
  • System crashes
  • Connects to the internet without permission
  • Installs itself without permissions
  • Can't be uninstalled via Control Panel

Kodc Ransomware

Kodc Ransomware shows a note requiring to pay 490 US dollars if a user wants to decrypt the malicious application’s encrypted files. The note should also say that the full price is 980 US dollars, and the 50 percent discount is available only for 72 hours. Even so, we advise not to rush into anything without giving the proposal enough thought. You should think if your files are worth the risk because there is a chance that hackers might take your money without providing their promised decryption tools. Also, we advise erasing Kodc Ransomware as fast as possible, as leaving it on your system could cause further harm. To remove it, you could use the deletion instructions available below this article or a legitimate antimalware tool of your choice. For learning more about the malware, we invite you to read our full text.

Kodc Ransomware could come with malicious software installers, fake updates, or any other data downloaded from unreliable sources. Thus, users who want to avoid threats alike should try not to interact with content that they do not know to be safe for sure. To find out whether your received or downloaded file is safe to open, you should scan it with a legitimate antimalware tool. If a file turns out to be dangerous, an antimalware tool will help you erase it from your computer. Always remember that even harmless-looking files could be malicious, so it is best to extra careful. Especially when threats like Kodc Ransomware might be able to ruin all of our precious data, like photos or videos in a matter of minutes.

At this point, it is vital to explain what happens if Kodc Ransomware gets launched. Our researchers say that the malware might show a fake Windows notification that might say that your system is installing updates. This alert is meant to distract victims from what is really going on. As you see, once the threat gets in, it should settle in and start encrypting various valuable files that a user might want to get back at any cost. Any file that gets encrypted should get a second extension called .kodc, e.g., text.txt.kodc. If a victim realizes that the displayed updates window is fake and suspects that a malicious application could be behind it, he could try to search for its process via Task Manager and kill it. Thus, to prevent it, the threat might be blocking your Task Manager for as long as the encryption process is going on.

After the malware is done with encrypting your data, it should create and open a text document called _readme.txt. The message inside of it is called a ransom note because it contains instructions on how to get decryption tools in exchange for paying a ransom. At first, hackers behind Kodc Ransomware want to be emailed, after which, they promise to send further instructions and the guaranteed decryption tools as soon as the victim pays. The truth is that hackers could easily scam you. As you see, you would be asked to pay first and then wait till you receive the promised tools, which hackers might or might not send to you. After all, it is not like you could demand a refund if the promised product does not arrive. Therefore, we recommend thinking carefully if you are prepared to be tricked.

Naturally, if you do not want to put your money at risk, even if it means that your files could be lost forever, we advise not to put up with the malware’s developers’ demands. You should know that if you have any backup data on removable media devices or cloud storage, depending on how often you create backup copies, you might be able to get most of your files back. However, we highly recommend removing Kodc Ransomware before getting your backup copies or creating any new data on the infected machine. If you want to eliminate it on your own, you could try completing the steps available below. This task could seem challenging, and if it appears too difficult or time-consuming, we recommend using a reliable antimalware tool that could delete Kodc Ransomware for you.

Restart the computer in Safe Mode

Windows 8/Windows 10

  1. Tap Win+I for Windows 8 or open Start menu for Windows 10.
  2. Press the Power button.
  3. Click and hold Shift, then click Restart.
  4. Pick Troubleshoot and choose Advanced Options.
  5. Go to Startup Settings and click Restart.
  6. Press F5 and restart the PC.

Windows XP/Windows Vista/Windows 7

  1. Navigate to Start, select Shutdown options, and pick Restart.
  2. Press and hold F8 when the PC starts restarting.
  3. Mark Safe Mode with Networking.
  4. Select Enter and log on.

Eliminate Kodc Ransomware

  1. Click Win+E.
  2. Find these locations:
  3. Look for the threat’s installer, e.g., updatewin.exe; then right-click it, and press Delete.
  4. Then find these paths:
    %USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Application Data
  5. Search for the threat’s created directories with random names that should contain copies of the malware’s launcher (e.g., 2a9ea166-82c4-499d-9f16-9e28ac1b8ef4), right-click them, and press Delete.
  6. Recheck these paths:
    %USERPROFILE%\Local Settings\Application Data
  7. Locate files called script.ps1 or similarly, right-click them, and press Delete.
  8. Find this path: %WINDIR%\System32\Tasks
  9. Look for a file called Time Trigger Task or similarly, right-click it, and choose Delete.
  10. Exit File Explorer.
  11. Press Win+R.
  12. Type Regedit and press Enter.
  13. Go to this path: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run
  14. Locate a value name called SysHelper, right-click it, and press Delete.
  15. Exit Registry Editor.
  16. Empty Recycle bin.
  17. Restart the system.
Download Spyware Removal Tool to Remove* Kodc Ransomware
  • Quick & tested solution for Kodc Ransomware removal.
  • 100% Free Scan for Windows

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