- Slow Computer
- System crashes
- Normal system programs crash immediatelly
- Connects to the internet without permission
- Installs itself without permissions
- Can't be uninstalled via Control Panel
GusLocker RansomwareGusLocker Ransomware appears to be an evolving infection. After discovering one version of this malicious threat, our research team soon discovered a new one. They both function in the same way, but there are a few minuscule differences. For one, the ransom note files have unique names. Second, the extensions that are added to the corrupted files are unique as well. The original variant of the threat adds the “.GUSv2”extension, while the new one adds “.bip.” Fortunately, the infection does not change the names of the files it encrypts, and so it is easier to understand what has happened. Unfortunately, once files are encrypted, having them decrypted is not possible. Were your personal files encrypted? If they were, you are in trouble. While we may not be able to help you recover files, we definitely can help you remove GusLocker Ransomware, and, of course, the sooner you delete this infection, the better. Continue reading the report, and do not forget to add a comment below if you have questions. Spam emails and unguarded remote access portals to the operating system can help cyber criminal drop and execute the malicious GusLocker Ransomware on your Windows operating system. After the silent execution, the threat starts the encryption process right away. According to our malware experts, the threat is programmed to encrypt over 100 different types of files: .1cd, .3gp, .7z, .aac, .accdb, .amr, .asp, .aspx, .avi, .bak, .back, .bin, .bmp, .bpl, .c, .cab, .cf, .cpp, .crt, .cs, .css, .csv, .dat, .der, .dll, .doc, .docx, .dpl, .dt, .epx, .erf, .exe, .fdb, .flac, .flv, .gdb, .gif, .glf, .h, .hbk, .htm, .html, .ico, .java, .jar, .jpeg, .jpg, .js, .json, .ldf, .key, .less, .lnk, .log, .lrf, .m4a, .m4r, .mdb, .mde, .mdf, .mkv, .mmf, .mp2, .mp3, .mp4, .mpg, .mov, .mrimgk, .msi, .myd, .myi, .newdb, .ods, .odt, .ogg, .old, .pbix, .pcx, .pdf, .php, .pem, .png, .ppt, .pptx, .pst, .py, .r11, .rar, .rmvb, .rtf, .sass, .sch, .shtml, .sql, .srf, .swift, .swf, .tga, .tib, .tif, .tiff, .txt, .vhdx, .vhd, .vob, .vsl, .vue, .vsc, .vsv, .wav, .wma, .wmv, .xls, .xlsx, .xml, .zip. If you wonder if you can recover files by removing the added extension, we can confidently say that you cannot. You cannot achieve that by deleting the infection either. Wherever the files are encrypted, a new file is added. It is either called “Information.html” or “DECRYPT.html,” and it represents the ransom note that cyber criminals have prepared. Since it is not possible to decrypt files, the ransom note created by the creator of GusLocker Ransomware might suddenly become more meaningful. The note informs that you can email 5btc@protonmail.com to recover your personal files. To identify yourself, you also have to send a special ID code that is provided to every victim. Although that might seem like an option, our researchers do not recommend contacting the creator of the infection for several reasons. First of all, you do not want them to record your own email address. Second of all, all that cyber attackers can offer is a possibility that you would get the decryptor if you paid a huge ransom. More likely than not, you would not be provided with it. Without a doubt, you would be taking a huge risk by paying the ransom, and that is why we do not recommend doing that. It is high time you installed reliable security software that could protect your operating system against malicious threats, which include ransomware too. This software can automatically delete GusLocker Ransomware as well. Although that will not restore your files, it is unlikely that anything can help you with that. You are safe only if you files’ copies exist on cloud or external drive backups. If they do, go ahead and remove GusLocker Ransomware right away. If you are set on removing the threat manually, use the guide below but keep in mind that the launcher might have a unique name, and so we cannot point you to it. You have to find it yourself. If you are unable to do it – and even experienced users might have trouble with that – the smart thing to do is to delete the ransomware using trusted anti-malware software. GusLocker Ransomware Removal
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GusLocker Ransomware
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