Click on screenshot to zoom
Danger level 7
Type: Trojans
Common infection symptoms:
  • Slow Computer
  • System crashes
  • Connects to the internet without permission
  • Installs itself without permissions
  • Can't be uninstalled via Control Panel

Cmb Dharma Ransomware

Windows users cannot catch a break from file-encrypting malware. Cmb Dharma Ransomware has just been discovered, and it is possible that it might be spreading in the wild already. This malicious threat is what we might call a ‘traditional’ ransomware because it acts in a way that is completely familiar. Our research team analyzed Ransomware, Zoldon Ransomware, PTP Ransomware, Ryuk Ransomware, Wise Ransomware, and hundreds of other infections. Some of them are far more dangerous than others and can create a bigger mess. Others are weaker, and even if they manage to do something, users might be able to restore their personal files. At the moment, a free decryptor that would restore files corrupted by the Cmb Dharma Ransomware simply does not exist, which is why this piece of malware is considered to be very serious. Without a doubt, if you have the chance, you want to delete this infection as soon as it invades your operating system, but even if it has successfully corrupted all of your personal files, you still want to remove Cmb Dharma Ransomware as quickly as possible.

If you are not cautious about interacting with spam emails and their attachments, suspicious installers and files, and remote connection channels, you are on your way of letting in malware sooner or later. These security backdoors are linked to the distribution of many ransomware infections, including the malicious Cmb Dharma Ransomware itself. If you are not careful and let malware in, the encryption of files is likely to start right away. The malicious ransomware also uses the Windows Registry to read the name of the computer and the GUID of the cryptographic machine. It reads the information about supported languages too; most likely, to check if the user would understand the ransom note. Besides recording information about the system, Cmb Dharma Ransomware also uses a command (vssadmin delete shadows /all /quiet) to delete shadow volume copies. This creates problems in manual decryption. The point of execution is a [random}.bin value in HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Currentversion\RUN. The location of the file is %WINDIR%\System32\. Unfortunately, it is just one of many components that require removal to ensure that the devious ransomware is eliminated.

According to our research team, Cmb Dharma Ransomware is a variant of Dharma Ransomware and Crysis Ransomware, both of which have been reported by our malware researchers in the past. Of course, this infection is different, and the unique extension (.id-{random characters}.[].cmb) attached to the corrupted files is where the new name comes from. A new extension is not the only thing that the ransomware creates. In every folder that contains encrypted files, you should also find a TXT file called FILES ENCRYPTED.txt. This ransom note simply informs that files were “locked” and that you need to write to to have the files “returned.” As you can see, the same email address is also included in the added extension. It is also the title of a window that pops up after the encryption. The message in the window instructs to email within 24 hours, and it also informs that a payment in Bitcoins will be expected. Whatever you do, do NOT pay the ransom requested by the creator of Cmb Dharma Ransomware because you do not want to waste your money.

You might be interested in deleting Cmb Dharma Ransomware manually. Is that possible? It sure is but you need to think carefully if that is the best option for you. Once you eliminate the ransomware, you also need to scan your system to check if other threats exist. If they do, you then need to get rid of them too. After that, you need to figure out how to prevent ransomware and other kinds of malware from slithering in again. Needless to say, this path is not as easy as you might think. On the other hand, if you install an anti-malware program, you will not need to worry about the removal of Cmb Dharma Ransomware or other threats because that will be taken care of automatically. Furthermore, the security of your operating system will be taken care of as well. Without a doubt, this is the best option for anyone dealing with malware and vulnerable operating systems. If you are still not sure about your next move, do not hesitate to communicate with us via the comments section below.

Cmb Dharma Ransomware Removal

  1. Tap Ctrl+Alt+Delete and then select Start Task Manager.
  2. In the Processes tab, right-click the malicious {random name} value, and select Open file location.
  3. In the Task Manager, select the process, and click End process.
  4. Right-click the discovered {random name}.exe file and choose Delete.
  5. Launch RUN by tapping Win+R keys and then enter regedit.exe into the dialog field.
  6. In Registry Editor move to HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Currentversion\RUN.
  7. Right-click and Delete the {random name} value if the file is located in %WINDIR%\System32\.
  8. Enter the following paths one by one into the field at the top of Explorer (Win+E to access):
    • %USERPROFILE%\Desktop
    • %USERPROFILE%\Downloads
    • %TEMP%
  9. If malicious files are found, right-click and Delete them.
  10. Enter %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup\ into the field at the top.
  11. Right-click and Delete the malicious {random name}.exe file.
  12. Enter %APPDATA%\ into the field at the top.
  13. Right-click and Delete the malicious {random name}.exe file.
  14. Enter %WINDIR%\system32\ into the field at the top.
  15. Right-click and Delete the malicious {random name}.exe file.
Download Spyware Removal Tool to Remove* Cmb Dharma Ransomware
  • Quick & tested solution for Cmb Dharma Ransomware removal.
  • 100% Free Scan for Windows

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