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Danger level 7
Type: Browser Hijackers
Common infection symptoms:
  • Changes default search engine
  • Hijacks homepage is not an ordinary website. Instead, it is considered a browser hijacker because users find it set on their browsers without their knowledge. It can affect all users’ browsers, including Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, and Google Chrome, so if you use any of them to surf the Internet and the browser hijacker successfully infiltrates your computer, we are sure you will notice set on your browser soon. It is not a trustworthy website. As has been observed, it only redirects traffic to one page, so users should remove it from their browsers ASAP. Browser hijackers are far from ordinary applications, so do not expect to remove the page set easily, e.g. through Control Panel because it will be impossible to do that. Most probably, you will need to reset the affected web browser to its default settings to make the undesirable page gone. We recommend reading this report till the very end first before taking any action.

Do you see each time you open your browser? If the answer to this question is a simple “yes,” you should go to remove it from the affected browser today because this URL will not open a search tool or another decent website. As has been observed by researchers at who have analyzed it, it only redirects traffic to At the time of writing, the website is still under construction, so it is hard to talk about its content, but, according to our specialists, there is a possibility that it will contain suspicious advertisements and links in the future. In the worst-case scenario, it might even be the promoter of untrustworthy software. Therefore, you should get rid of the page ( redirecting to this domain today. If you do nothing about its presence, it will not only redirect you to every day, but it might also collect some information about you. Pages promoted by browser hijackers usually gather the so-called non-personally identifiable information, but we cannot guarantee that the page redirects to will not try to obtain some personal information from users in the future. Because of this, should be removed from affected browsers as soon as possible.

Research carried out by specialists working at has clearly shown that is still in development, but it seems that some users have already encountered it because the Alexa rank already shows that the majority of users who visit live in India, Malaysia, Indonesia, the United States, and Nigeria. It is hard to say how they end up on, but our specialists believe that users do not open this page willingly. According to them, it is more likely that they end up with the browser extension that changes their browsers’ settings to without their knowledge and then visit each time they launch their browsers. Since the browser hijacker is still a new threat, it is hard to say what the main methods used to distribute it are; however, specialists believe that it should be spread exactly like other browser hijackers. That is, it should be distributed bundled. Of course, other distribution methods might be used to spread it too, so you should be cautious 24/7 in order not to find your browsers’ settings altered without your knowledge. If it is too late for prevention, i.e. has already been set on your browsers, you need to remove it ASAP. Unfortunately, it does not mean that you will not encounter a new browser hijacker after its removal, so do not forget to install security software on your system after getting rid of this infection.

If your browsers’ settings have been changed to, you should go to undo the changes applied as soon as possible because this page will redirect you further to the website that might be used to promote untrustworthy software or show suspicious advertisements to users in the future. What our specialists recommend doing the first thing is resetting all those affected browsers to default settings. If this does not change anything, i.e. you still see the page set without your knowledge, use a powerful antimalware scanner to clean malicious software from your computer. The same antimalware tool will not allow new threats to enter the system if you keep it enabled.

How to remove

Internet Explorer

  1. Start Internet Explorer.
  2. Press Alt+T and select Internet Options.
  3. Open the Advanced tab and click Reset.
  4. Mark the checkbox next to Delete personal settings.
  5. Click Reset.

Mozilla Firefox

  1. Open Mozilla Firefox.
  2. Tap Alt+F.
  3. Click Troubleshooting information.
  4. At the top, locate and click Refresh Firefox.
  5. Click the Refresh Firefox button again.

Google Chrome

  1. Launch Google Chrome.
  2. Press Alt+F.
  3. Click Settings.
  4. Click Advanced at the bottom.
  5. Click Reset.
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