Newtab.proIs Newtab.pro trustworthy? Can it show legitimate search results? Does it track personal information? Does it work with untrustworthy parties? These are the questions that you might be asking yourself at this very moment, and if you are, you are on the right track. Our research team has thoroughly inspected this search tool, and the conclusion is that it is a browser hijacker. Needless to say, a hijacker is not a trustworthy search tool, and everything that it offers should be looked at very cautiously. As you can guess, using it for daily web browsing is not recommended. Instead, users are encouraged to remove Newtab.pro. Are you interested in this as well? You probably are if you have found this report, and if you are still unsure as to why you should delete this perfectly normal-looking tool, you will find useful information in this report. Note that a full removal guide is offered at the bottom. If you look at the interface of Newtab.pro, it does not look too suspicious. As expected, it shows a search field at the top, which indicates that it offers search services. However, since the logo and the name of DuckDuckgo Search are shown, you should expect to see search results via https://duckduckgo.com/. Right below the search engine, you can find a ton of easy-access links to such popular sites as google.com, facebook.com, twitter.com, or amazon.com. Below that, you have more links that are grouped according to the theme (e.g., Social Media or Utilities). The interface is fun and colorful, and nothing seems out of the ordinary, unless you are introduced to a pop-up which informs that cookies are used to personalize content and advertisements, as well as that data is shared with “advertising and analytics partners.” Although Newtab.pro comes up front with this information, that does not mean that you can trust the search tool. In fact, it is strongly recommended that you get rid of the hijacker and then clear browsing data to ensure that no cookies are left behind to continue spying on you. We need to look at the search tool offered by Newtab.pro a little closer. As the pop-up mentioned before suggested, content is personalized based on the information that is recorded. The hijacker does not change the links it promotes via its home page; however, it might be able to personalize the content that is shown to you online. Advertisements could be shown randomly, but, most likely, you would face them when using the search tool. We are sure you want to browse the web efficiently and productively, and random ads can ruin that experience. Furthermore, no one knows what kinds of ads could be included with regular results, and so interacting with links shown by Newtab.pro could be a gamble. If you end up clicking these links, beware of fake surveys and prize giveaways, as well as bogus security warnings, software installers, and other dubious content. According to our research, the hijacker manifests via the homepage of the browser, and it could be hijacked with the help of other infections. Before you move on with the removal, please install a trusted malware scanner to inspect the system for malicious threats. If they exist, delete them without postponement. Can you change a homepage URL? Can you clear browsing data? If you have never done this before, you might think that you cannot handle the situation, but with our help, you should get the control of your browser back into your own hands. As you can see, there are not that many steps for you to successfully delete Newtab.pro, and, hopefully, that is all you need to do. Of course, if other threats exist, you will need to take extra steps. Should you take all responsibility onto your own shoulders? We do not advise that. Instead, utilize a legitimate anti-malware program, and it will quickly clean your operating system and browsers from malware, hijackers, and intrusive cookies. You also want this program if you care about security in the future. Only if your system is protected will you evade unreliable and potentially malicious programs, as well as serious threats. Want to discuss things further? Post a comment below. Newtab.pro RemovalMozilla Firefox:
Google Chrome:
Internet Explorer:
Download Spyware Removal Tool to Remove*
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REMOVE this post immediatry, this is my website is not a virus!