- Installs itself without permissions
- Connects to the internet without permission
- Shows commercial adverts
- Slow internet connection
- Annoying Pop-up's
- Slow Computer
Copyright Violation Fake AlertCopyright Violation Fake Alert is a malicious and deceptive new scam which has been devised by malicious online criminals. Copyright Violation Fake Alert is a fake scanner that actually represents a vast variety of copyright associations. This is a Trojan which when installed on your computer system will pretend to be a scanner that scans your computer system for certain copyrighted materials. It is guaranteed to generate "findings" of copyrighted material which you have on your computer system. You will receive a message stating that this material has actually been sent to law enforcement agencies as well as various copyright holders. It will state that you can pay a settlement fee of $399.85 or alternatively your case will get passed on the courts and you will be tried by a judge. You need to be aware of the factor that this scanner is actually going to have a link to a fake web site which goes by the name of:icpp-online.com.You will be shown "proof"of your copyright infringement. You need to know that this is one big scam which has been created in order to steal your money. You must never under any circumstances give out any information related to your credit card. The alert messages which you will receive will read: "Copyright violation alert What has happened? During the system scan Antipiracy Foundation scanner has detected copyright issues. Please take a look at the list and choose an action: pass the case to a court or settle it in pre-trail order by paying a fine. Choose an action: If you are sure that you can't have download the content to your PC or there was nothing you could do to avoid it, press "Pass the case to court" button and pass the case to court If these files belong to you, but you would rather avoid all the expenses associated with settling the issue in court, you can settle your case in pre-trial order by pressing "Solve..." button. And Warning! This computer is being used for illegal activity associated with copyright violation. Records about this computer's owner are about to be sent to court. If you saw this message by accident, please report any information about a possible owner of this comp." The best way to not become a victim of this scam which will result in your information being used for identity theft is to make use of a decent antispyware removal tool that is effective. You also must never make any payments online and if you see these warning messages you need to close the page as soon as possible and restart your computer as well as refresh your browser. |
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Copyright Violation Fake Alert
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I would like to propose not to wait until you earn enough amount of cash to order goods! You should just take the