Danger level 7
Type: Spyware


Rootkit.HareBot is a rootkit which will seriously mess up your computer system and cause you many problems. Malicious online attackers may be able to gain access to your entire computer network without your consent. Rootkit.HareBot is able to monitor your entire browsing activity as well as record every single key that you type.Rootkit.HareBot may cause a backdoor to be created within your computer system in order to allow hackers the opportunity of gaining acess to your machine.

Rootkit.HareBot may go by the following names:
• RootkitHareBot
• Rootkit HareBot

Rootkit.HareBot may display some of the following symptoms:
• If you feel like somebody is watching you.
• Your computers performance may slow down dramatically.
• Your computer may become very unstable.
• Files may appear on your machine that you didn\'t install.
• Are you receiving security notifications?
• Is your computer feeling unfamiliar to you?
• Are strange things happening with no explanation?
• If your browser got redirected to a site you never went to.

The best thing that you can do is to remove Rootkit.HareBot upon detection. It is also important to have an antivirus software running on your machine that is both up to date and authentic. If you suspect that you may have Rootkit.HareBot running on your machine but you aren\'t entirely sure, you could make use of a decent software application that is able to both detect and remove Rootkit.HareBot for you.

Download Spyware Removal Tool to Remove* Rootkit.HareBot
  • Quick & tested solution for Rootkit.HareBot removal.
  • 100% Free Scan for Windows

How to manually remove Rootkit.HareBot

Files associated with infection (Rootkit.HareBot):


Remove registry entries (Rootkit.HareBot):


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