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Danger level 5
Type: Trojans


Trojan.Fiefeer.A.dll is a malicious Trojan which is able to take control of your computer as well as your life. It may gain access to your computer, without your knowledge or your consent, when you least expect it. By the time that you figure out that the reason for your computer problems is due to Trojan.Fiefeer.A.dll,the damage may already be done and it will be too late.Trojan.Fiefeer.A.dll is able to invade your privacy and capture all your personal information with the inclusion of your passwords.

Trojan.Fiefeer.A.dll may go by the following names:
• Trojan.Fiefeer
• TrojanFiefeer
• Trojan Fiefeer

Trojan.Fiefeer.A.dll may display some of the following symptoms:
• It may feel like somebody has control over your computer.
• Your system settings may change.
• Files may appear, disappear and change within your registry.
• Your computer speed may decrease dramatically.
• Trojan.Fiefeer.A.dll may spread to your friends over networks.
• Your internet connection may start malfunctioning.
• Your computer may freeze sporadically.

Trojan.Fiefeer.A.dll is not something that you want to try and removal manually due to the factor that it is extremely difficult and you run the risk of damaging your machine, if you do something incorrectly. It is suggested to make use of the automatic removal process, with a decent application tool that does it all for you. At the end of the day Trojan.Fiefeer.A.dll is something that needs to get removed as soon as it is detected. In order to prevent any further negative ramifications, it needs to go away fast. It is better not to mess around with files, folders and registry keys unless you have experience as well as knowledge and know what you are doing. Remember that no matter what name Trojan.Fiefeer.A.dll may go by it still, does the same degree of damage.

Download Spyware Removal Tool to Remove* Trojan.Fiefeer.A.dll
  • Quick & tested solution for Trojan.Fiefeer.A.dll removal.
  • 100% Free Scan for Windows

How to manually remove Trojan.Fiefeer.A.dll

Files associated with infection (Trojan.Fiefeer.A.dll):


Dynamic Link Libraries to remove (Trojan.Fiefeer.A.dll):


Remove registry entries (Trojan.Fiefeer.A.dll):

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionExplorerBrowser HelperObjects{9D64F819-9380-8473-DAB2-702FCB3D7A3E}
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Browser HelperObjects\{9D64F819-9380-8473-DAB2-702FCB3D7A3E}

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