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Danger level 7
Type: Trojans


Packed.MoleBox is a malicious Trojan which may enter your computer through a variety of methods. Once Packed.MoleBox has successfully installed itself onto your machine, your computer problems will start. This may happen each time that you boot up your computer. Packed.MoleBox may enter your machine through a file sharing site, browser attack, a malicious link or even through an instant messenger application. This means that there are many ways that Packed.MoleBox may enter your machine, without your knowledge or your consent.

Packed.MoleBox may go by the following names:
• PackedMoleBox
• Packed MoleBox

Packed.MoleBox may display some of the following symptoms:
• The system settings of your machine can change.
• Your computer can start decreasing in speed.
• Some of your files may be shared with other people, without you knowing it.
• It may feel like somebody else has power over your computer.
• Files may start to appear and disappear.
• Your computer may become completely unreliable.

The best advice that can be offered is for you remove Packed.MoleBox immediately upon detection. You could make use of the manual removal instructions but you need to be seriously warned that you run the risk of causing even further damage to your computer if you do something incorrectly. It is strongly advised that you rather make use of a decent and up to date antispyware removal tool that is able to both detect as well as automatically delete Packed.MoleBoxfor you.

Download Spyware Removal Tool to Remove* Packed.MoleBox
  • Quick & tested solution for Packed.MoleBox removal.
  • 100% Free Scan for Windows

How to manually remove Packed.MoleBox

Files associated with infection (Packed.MoleBox):

Live SysManager.exe

Processes to kill (Packed.MoleBox):

Live SysManager.exe

Remove registry entries (Packed.MoleBox):



  1. John Beitz Dec 15, 2015

    This is a load of $#%$. A program is packed in molebox to avoid decompilation and reverse engineering. Not all programs found with this accusation are found to be Malware. In fact quite a bit of it is legitimate files and programs. Most antivirus and/or antispyware programs don't know how to handle this kind of encrypted file. It isn't the fault of the developers of Molebox. They did an awesome job. Better than any other anti-reverse-engineering software. This needs to be revised.

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