Jamboxlive.comHave you decided to let Jamboxlive.com in because you believed that this search tool could help you stream music directly from your browser? If that is the case, the chances are that you downloaded an extension called “JamBox” yourself. If the hijacker came in without your notice or permission, it is possible that it slithered in on its own or that the extension linked to it was installed silently. It is unlikely that this potentially unwanted program could attack your PC in a stealthy manner, but you certainly could overlook it when installing a bunch of programs using the same software bundle. In both cases, you are likely to discover other unwanted programs and, possibly, malware, which is why we strongly recommend installing a malware scanner to inspect your operating system right now. If you are lucky, you will need to remove Jamboxlive.com only (most likely, along with JamBox). If you discover more infections, consider employing an automated malware deleted right away. You can download JamBox at install.jamboxlive.com/?pid=52365&subid=26408&clickid=US18399377973 or the Chrome web store (chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/jambox/ndafjalmnedicmiaahbkegkdljhcfglg). If you acquire the extension from either of these sources, you are unlikely to deal with third-party malware or unwanted programs. All in all, whether you download it from a reliable source or using some third-party installer, it always works the same. According to our research, JamBox and Jamboxlive.com should be compatible with Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox, but, at the moment, only Chrome users can acquire it. Whenever extensions are installed onto this browser, the user is introduced to a list of “It can” permissions. According to this information, the extension is capable of reading/changing your data on the websites you visit – which is very strange – as well as managing applications, extensions, and themes. Furthermore, it has the permission to set feed.jamboxlive.com as the default search engine. If you use Jamboxlive.com, you are always redirected via feed.jamboxlive.com. As you might have figured out by now, Jamboxlive.com is not a real search tool. Sure, it promises to help you stream “thousands” of radio stations, but, in reality, it is created to provide you with a very strange search service. If you enter keywords into the provided search dialog box, your queries are automatically redirected via http://feed.jamboxlive.com/?q=buy&publisher=jambox&barcodeid=523510000000000 to a third-party search engine. You could be rerouted to Yahoo Search or Google Search. In many cases, this will trick users into thinking that the search service is reliable. Unfortunately, by redirecting you, the hijacker might be able to inject its own links, or the links that are created by third-party partners. If you have reviewed the Privacy Policy, you know that there is no information about these third parties, which means that you do not know anything about them or their intentions. Now, you be the judge of whether or not the services offered by Jamboxlive.com are reliable, but our research team suggests fining a more reliable search provider. Obviously, before you do that, you have to remove the undesirable software. Do you know how to delete Jamboxlive.com? If it was introduced to you via JamBox, this is what you need to focus on. Once you delete this add-on, the hijacker will be gone as well. As mentioned previously, it is possible that other threats or, at least, unwanted programs might have invaded your operating system, and that you should use a malware scanner to identify them. If no threats were found, you are likely to opt for the manual removal option. If this is your choice, follow the instructions below. Now, if malware is detected, you have to think very carefully if you will be able to erase it all by yourself. Remember that you do not have to do it. Instead, you can leave it up to anti-malware software. Of course, you need to make sure that you install legitimate, reliable, and up-to-date software; otherwise, you will not get the results you need. If you want to discuss anything with our research team, use the comments section below! Jamboxlive.com Removal
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