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Danger level 7
Type: Browser Hijackers
Common infection symptoms:
  • Hijacks homepage
  • Changes default search engine

A program that goes by the name of should not be active on your operating system at any times. The main reason for that is the fact that it is nothing more than yet another intrusive browser hijacker. Applications of this classifications are infamous for being the primary reason browsing the web becomes a bothersome and frustrating task; that is so because they are capable of making unauthorized changes to your web browser's default settings. What is even worse is the fact that due to such alterations your operating system might be exposed to questionable and at times even potentially malicious web content. To understand how that could happen, make sure to read the rest of our report. Besides such information, we also include an easy-to-follow removal guide that you must you to delete if it is ever found up and running on your personal computer.

It is important to note that large quantities of users could be affected by this hijacker because it is entirely compatible with popular browsers such as Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, and Internet Explorer. acts aggressively and quickly. As soon as it gains full access to your operating system, it modifies registry entries and files that are related to your browser's default settings. All of these alterations manifest in a change of your default homepage. One of the most annoying things in regards to all of this is that you are not notified or asked to authorize the change. As you can imagine such modification will have a profoundly negative effect on the way, you experience the Internet on a daily basis. That is so because you will be forced to use a suspicious third-party website as your default homepage even if you do not like that; each time you will open your browser you will be presented with that undesirable web page. If that was not enough, you should know that the seemingly useful search box on a newly set homepage is rather worthless since it can present you with tons of sponsored results that might have nothing to do with your query. To surf the web the way you like it once again, you must restore your browser's default settings. That can only be done by executing a complete removal of If you fail to terminate the hijacker in question the devious change will continue to bother you.

While the intrusive functionality of is a reason enough to remove it, you must also be informed about the potential dangers that this hijacker might impose. Further analysis, has revealed that using the search box on a questionable homepage, could have detrimental outcomes. It turns out that there is a chance that you could come across not only annoying sponsored results but ones hosting redirect links, which might lead to questionable and even malicious web pages. For example, there is a chance that you could find yourself on a website that runs an arbitrary code execution exploit and just entering a such a site might be more than enough to get your PC infected. In other situations, you might get redirected to a fake online store. We highly advise you to learn about any questionable online store as much as possible before making any purchases since you could lose on a large sum of money and might provide cyber crooks with your credit card data. Even though search results embedded with suspicious redirect links do not occur often, the chance to come across one remains, and that could have disastrous outcomes. Make no mistake about since it can be just as dangerous as it is annoying. Execute its complete removal at the very same time that it is found running on your personal computer.

It should be apparent that the termination of must be a priority if it is ever found running on your PC. We advise you to use a detailed removal guide below to get rid of this hijacker's every single bit. It is imperative because its leftovers might act in a rather intrusive manner. Some traces could trigger the restoration of the unwanted program while others might be just enough to maintain the alteration of your default homepage in place. To avoid finding yourself in such a situation, make sure to double-check your operating system for anything related to once you are done with the instructions below.

How to remove from your PC

  1. Click the Windows button.
  2. Type regedit into a search box and then select it.
  3. Go to to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main.
  4. Right-click a registry value entitled Start Page and select Modify.
  5. Replace the unwanted URL with a new one and then click OK.
  6. Open your File Explorer.
  7. Go to C:\Users\[your username]\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default.
  8. Select and remove files called Preferences, Secure Preferences, and Web Data.
  9. Go to C:\Users\[your username]\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\[unique Mozilla profile ID].
  10. Select a file called prefs.js and tap Delete on your kyeboard.
  11. Right-click your Recycle Bin and then select Empty Recycle Bin.
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