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Danger level 7
Type: Browser Hijackers
Common infection symptoms:
  • Hijacks homepage
  • Changes default search engine is yet another useless and potentially harmful featured search website from the infamous Imali Media, an Israeli developer team. This search site can appear as your home page in the three most popular browsers, including Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, and Mozilla Firefox. Since this infection can modify your browser settings and may use questionable ways to be installed, we have classified it as a browser hijacker. This malware infection belongs to a large family of identical and very similar browser hijackers, such as,, and If any of these hijackers are present on your computer, you can never go search the web safely because these search pages may introduce you to questionable third-party content. Protecting your system from malicious content should be your priority if you do not want to infect your computer with more malware threats or end up being scammed by cyber crooks. We recommend that you remove as soon as you can.

There are a number of possible ways for this browser hijacker in which you can install it even without noticing it. For example, if you use suspicious file-sharing websites, such as and, for downloading free software, you may find such infections and more after installing the software package you download. These freeware and similar torrent sites usually promote bundles instead of standalone files or installers. These bundles can contain several potentially unwanted programs as well as malware infections, including adware programs, browser hijackers, Trojans, fake alerts, and more. This is why you need to be very cautious not to drop one onto your system because deleting will not help you in that case to restore full security on your computer.

If you do not want to infect your system with such packages, you need to stay away from shady file-sharing pages (torrent and freeware), online gaming and pornographic pages because all these host an annoying number of third-party ads usually. In fact, some of these sites also hide malicious codes that may trigger redirections or drop infections. You may think that a third-party ad can only be a straightforward commercial that you can ignore and avoid. However, the truth is that these suspicious pages also may contain disguised third-party content that may show up as fake buttons and notifications. These can be really dangerous because if you are not familiar with the website you are viewing, chances are you click on the wrong button or notification and you could install this hijacker and other malware programs in the background. If you want to make sure that there are no threats remaining on your PC, we recommend that you delete and then, find a reliable malware scanner – it can be a free online one that you can trust – and check out your system to see what else needs your attention and action.

This new browser hijacker offers you the usual toolbar with the search tool and quick links to third-party pages related to gaming, news, and movies, including Live Player, Stream Content, and Free Games. Since these pages may host third-party ads, this hijacker might inject its own affiliates’ advertisements into these pages, which could be risky to engage with. Below the main search box you can also find two rows of thumbnails that lead to popular site like Facebook, Gmail, Instagram as well as promoted ones ( The worst part of this featured search page is its search engine.

This browser hijacker redirects your queries to and can inject questionable third-party ads and links. If you click on these, you can easily land on malicious pages run by cyber criminals with the general intention of scamming you to steal your money. In fact, the least that can happen is that you may infect your computer with further malware threats. We do not advise you to engage with any content this site has to offer. What’s more, we suggest that you remove as soon as possible.

The only good thing about the removal of this browser hijacker is that it is really not that difficult to accomplish. As we have already mentioned, this infection only modifies the home page of your browsers. If you do not know how to restore this setting, please follow our manual instructions below this article. Protecting your computer against malicious threats is essential if you want to feel safe in your virtual world. You can try to safeguard your system manually, but it could be more effective for you to use a professional anti-malware program, such as SpyHunter.

How to remove from browsers

Google Chrome

  1. Tap Win+E and locate the “%LocalAppData%\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default” folder.
  2. Delete these files: Preferences, Secure Preferences, and Web Data
  3. Empty your Recycle Bin.

Mozilla Firefox

  1. Tap Win+E and locate the “%AppData%\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\[Unique Mozilla user ID]” folder.
  2. Open prefs.js in Notepad.
  3. Replace the user_pref("browser.startup.homepage", "") string with a home page URL you prefer.

Internet Explorer

  1. Tap Win+R and enter regedit. Click OK.
  2. Replace the value data of “” in these registry keys:
    HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\Start Page (64-bit!)
    HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\Start Page
    HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main\Start Page
  3. Replace the value data in these value names in “HKCU\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\SearchScopes\{0633EE93-D776-472f-A0FF-E1416B8B2E3A}” registry key:
    FaviconURL (value data: “”)
    FaviconURLFallback (value data: “”)
    TopResultURL (value data: “”)
    URL (value data: “”)
  4. Close the editor.
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