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Danger level 8
Type: Trojans


Trojan.Emurbo.A is classified as a Trojan Downloader infection. As is typical of a downloader Trojan infection, Trojan.Emurbo.A tends to access remote websites in an attempt to download and install malicious or potentially unwanted software onto the system it has infiltrated.

Trojan.Emurbo.A is also known as: Trojan EmurboA, TrojanEmurboA, or by its alias names:
- iesearch.dll
- luapvs.dll
- sbass.dll

Some downloader Trojan infections target specific files on remote websites while others may target a specific URL that points to a website containing a malicious exploit code, which may allow the site to automatically download alternative software or malicious code on vulnerable systems, and Trojan.Emurbo.A is no exception.

Trojan.Emurbo.A is also regarded by many experts as a malware application that adds a search toolbar to Internet Explorer.

Trojan.Emurbo.A is also capable of monitoring all networks and Internet traffic to and from the compromised PC system, and may also tend toward hijacking the web browser by changing its default home page, its search options and error pages, as well as possibly modifying some related settings.

Trojan.Emurbo.A may tend to operate as an Internet Explorer add-on and therefore will run every time the user launches their web browser.

Some of Trojan.Emurbo.A’s affiliated components may also run on every Windows startup.

Trojan.Emurbo.A is reported to display the following properties:
- Usually created by unsafe process.
- Registered as a Dynamic Link Library File.
- Usually has a random file name and refers to many versions of a dynamic link library.
- Can be injected/attached to the legitimate Windows process such as explorer.exe or other.

The rule of thumb in this case is should a system be infected with this nefarious Trojan infection, it is best to employ the services of a fully functional and up to date antispyware tool, so as to rid the system of all things related to Trojan.Emurbo.A.

Download Spyware Removal Tool to Remove* Trojan.Emurbo.A
  • Quick & tested solution for Trojan.Emurbo.A removal.
  • 100% Free Scan for Windows

How to manually remove Trojan.Emurbo.A

Files associated with infection (Trojan.Emurbo.A):


Dynamic Link Libraries to remove (Trojan.Emurbo.A):


Remove registry entries (Trojan.Emurbo.A):

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionExplorerBrowser HelperObjects{A34FA88D-8437-4634-8A60-E913011EF2E5}
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Browser HelperObjects\{A34FA88D-8437-4634-8A60-E913011EF2E5}
RUNNING PROGRAM\explorer.exe

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