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Danger level 7
Type: Trojans


Trojan.Slupim.B is the newest Trojan Downloader to be causing havoc on the internet community of late.

Also referred to as TrojanSlupimB, Trojan SlupimB, TrojanSlupim B; as well as by its aliases: 4977.tmp, 648B.tmp and FE52.tmp.

Trojan.Slupim.B is further identified as a Browser Helper Object.
Now, what is a Browser Helper object (BHO) you may wonder?

Well, A BHO, or browser helper object, is a component of Microsoft\'s Internet Explorer Web browser application. It is an add-in designed to provide or expand the functionality of the browser and allow developers to improve the Web browser with new features, as time goes by.

So, why are BHO\'s considered bad?
BHO\'s, in and of themselves, are not bad. But, like a lot of other features and functionality, if the BHO can be used to install additional features or functions that are useful, it can also be exploited to install features or functions that are malicious. Some applications, such as the Google or Yahoo toolbars, are examples of good BHO\'s. But, there are also many examples of BHO\'s which are used to hijack your Web browser home page, spy on your Internet activities and other malicious actions.

So, to sum it up, designed by Microsoft and intended as a legitimate component of the Internet Explorer web browser, Browser Helper Objects (BHO), have been targeted by hackers and malware authors as a means to compromise computer systems. The \"feature\" can be used against you by unscrupulous attackers for a variety of functions - including monitoring your web activity or substituting different banner ads as your surf the Web.

As is quite obvious, Trojan.Slupim.B tends to enter into a computer system via dubious scripts, embedded in JavaScript or VBS, however there are other ways the infection can enter into a system, via:

• Operating system and web browser exploits
• Unsafe Internet surfing practices
• The downloading and installing of Freeware and Shareware
• The use of Peer-to-peer (P2P) applications
• Visiting questionable web sties

A clear sign that a computer system has been infiltrated by this dubious application is the display of the following symptoms:

• PC is working very slowly
Trojan.Slupim.B can seriously slow down your computer. If your PC takes a lot longer than normal to restart or your Internet connection is extremely slow, your computer may well be infected with Trojan.Slupim.B.

• New desktop shortcuts have appeared or the home page has changed
Trojan.Slupim.B can tamper with your Internet settings or redirect your default home page to unwanted web sites. Trojan.Busky may even add new shortcuts to your PC desktop.

• Annoying pop-up messages keep appearing on your PC
Trojan.Slupim.B may swamp your computer with pestering popup ads, even when you\'re not connected to the Internet, while secretly tracking your browsing habits and gathering your personal information.

In order to remove Trojan.Slupim.B and all its components from an infected computer system, one should remove all files, folders and registry keys and registry values associated with Trojan.Slupim.B.

The Windows registry stores highly important system information, such as system preferences, use settings, installed programs’ details, as well as additional information about applications which automatically run on start-up of the machine. This is a huge reason why malware of all sorts target the registry files, as it adjusts its functions so that it is automatically launched every time the user starts up their PC.

Editing the registry can be quite a daunting task, especially for those users who are not computer experts. Therefore it is always recommended to perform a thorough backup of all data on the infected system, this way allowing for reinstallation if so needed.

The most important thing to remember is that Trojan.Slupim.B should be removed from a computer system as soon as it has been detected!

To avoid any unneeded risks of damage to your computer system, it is highly recommended to make use of a reliable and legitimate anti-spyware application, to remove Trojan.Slupim.B and all its components from the infected computer system.

Download Spyware Removal Tool to Remove* Trojan.Slupim.B
  • Quick & tested solution for Trojan.Slupim.B removal.
  • 100% Free Scan for Windows

How to manually remove Trojan.Slupim.B

Files associated with infection (Trojan.Slupim.B):


Remove registry entries (Trojan.Slupim.B):


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