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Danger level 8
Type: Trojans
Common infection symptoms:
  • Connects to the internet without permission
  • Shows commercial adverts
  • Slow internet connection
  • Annoying Pop-up's
  • Slow Computer
Other mutations known as:

Windows Police Pro Alert Pop-up

Windows Police Pro Alert Pop-up is yet another fake pop-up message affiliated and utilized to promote the rogue antispyware tool: Windows Police Pro.

Once a computer system has been infiltrated with the Windows Police Pro rogue application, it goes to work to complete its task of ensuring unsuspecting users fall prey to their tactics, and ends up purchasing their full version of the malware – this way ensuring the creators of this rogue tool makes off with the user’s hard earned money.

The Windows Police Pro Alert Pop-up alert is just another tactic employed by the creators of this rogue, and will be displayed on a PC system as follows:
“Windows Police Pro Alert

Infiltration Alert
Your computer is being attacked by an Internet Virus. It could be a password-stealing attack, a Trojan-dropper or similar.

Attack from:, port 58962
Attacked port: 41567
Threat: HalfLemon

Do you want Windows Police Pro to block this attack?

Yes No”

As soon as the user clicks on either button: “Yes:” the rogue will be activated and will either redirect the browser to its affiliated website, so as to secure a purchase from the user, or may install accompanied and bundled associated malware.

It is quite apparent that the Windows Police Pro Alert Pop-up is NOT to be trusted, and should a user be experiencing this pop-up alert, they will need to remove the rogue Windows Police Pro and all its affiliates from the infected system.

It is highly recommended to make use of the services of an up to date antispyware application, in order to rid the infected system of the Windows Police Pro Alert Pop-up and all its components.

Download Spyware Removal Tool to Remove* Windows Police Pro Alert Pop-up
  • Quick & tested solution for Windows Police Pro Alert Pop-up removal.
  • 100% Free Scan for Windows

How to manually remove Windows Police Pro Alert Pop-up

Files associated with infection (Windows Police Pro Alert Pop-up):

windows Police Pro.exe

Processes to kill (Windows Police Pro Alert Pop-up):

windows Police Pro.exe

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