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Danger level 8
Type: Trojans


RemoteAcess.RealVNC is the malicious version of the Real VNC application. This particular software is categorized in the Trojan infection section.

This Trojan application, RemoteAcess.RealVNC, is a program laden with hidden functionality, which may include Adware, Spyware, Malware, hacks and data mining.

As a Trojan infection, RemoteAcess.RealVNC will guise itself as a useful application, and will continue to hide all malicious intent from the user. One should always bear in mind that RemoteAcess.RealVNC has been intentionally designed to disrupt and damage a computer system’s activity.

As is true in this case, Trojans are occasionally used in conjunction with additional viruses. Being a backdoor Trojan, this particular program will allow other computer users to gain access to the infected computer via the internet.

In certain instances, RemoteAcess.RealVNC will act as an application which makes use of a type of advertising display software, with the primary purpose of delivering advertising content in a manner or context that may be unexpected and unwanted by users.

Systems which tend to be at risk of infection by RemoteAcess.RealVNC is the Windows operating systems, and one should also take note that this Trojan comes in all variations of file sizes.

An infected computer system will display the following symptoms, should RemoteAcess.RealVNC be present:

1. A horde of pop-up advertisements bombards the system, continually
2. The user’s web browser will be redirected
3. The Trojan will begin with the downloading of Unsolicited Files
4. The Trojan enters the computer via and exploited security flaw
5. The Trojan is highly capable of distributing threats quickly and easily throughout networks, from computer to computer.
6. The Trojan will install itself onto a system without the user’s consent

The best thing to do if faced with this dubious application is to remove RemoteAcess.RealVNC as soon as it has been detected.

Download Spyware Removal Tool to Remove* RemoteAccess.RealVNC
  • Quick & tested solution for RemoteAccess.RealVNC removal.
  • 100% Free Scan for Windows

How to manually remove RemoteAccess.RealVNC

Files associated with infection (RemoteAccess.RealVNC):


Processes to kill (RemoteAccess.RealVNC):


Remove registry entries (RemoteAccess.RealVNC):

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetServicesVNC Server Version 4
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\VNC Server Version 4

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