StreamingWhereTVStreamingWhereTV is definitely not the first browser extension that claims to provide you easy access to streaming TV shows and movies and it is definitely not one that you should trust. In fact, this is just another useless tool that we have classified as a browser hijacker since it is capable of modifying your home page and new tab page settings. This malware infection seems to affect your Google Chrome browser as yet and appears to be mostly popular in the USA. We have found that this browser hijacker is very similar to Funtabstvsearch.com, Toptvtabsearch.com, and dozens of other unreliable search engine pages coming from the same authors. We believe that your system security could be at risk if you keep this browser extension on board, let alone if you use it, too. As a matter of fact, we suggest that you remove StreamingWhereTV as soon as possible if you do not want to be exposed to questionable third-party content through modified search results. But when you find this annoying application in your browser, it is also likely that it is not the only malware infection you should be worried about. Let us tell you in more detail how this is possible. Similarly to most of its peers, this browser hijacker can also be found on the web as a legitimate-looking browser extension. This means that it has an official website, startstreaming.net, and it is also available in the Chrome web store (chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/streamingwheretv/ceopeopklkjjgehbmjdohddokcencgoi). The promotional site is the usual simple web page that offers you direct installation of this tool. We recommend that every time you install an application in this way you pay close attention to the window that pops up because it contains information about the permissions you are about to give to your targeted tool. This browser hijacker, for example, can read and change information on websites you visit or contact co-operating websites. Giving these permissions to this application may not be the best idea if you know that the creators do not take any responsibility for the third parties or the third-party content it displays. Also, we need to mention that finding a tool in the Chrome web store may not mean that it is reliable or useful at all. However, this browser hijacker may not even show up on your computer through these official channels. As a matter of fact, our research shows that this infection can also come on board when you are installing a questionable freeware bundle or when you click on corrupt pop-up ads, such as fake software updates. You can easily download a malicious bundle when you are looking for a free program, for example. If you choose to download your targeted application from an unfamiliar site, chances are that you will download a package that may contain a number of malware infections on top of a possibly legitimate free program. If you install such a bundle, you may infect your computer with adware programs, browser hijackers, Trojans, fake alerts, and more without even realizing it. This is why we recommend that you find a reliable online malware scanner and use it to detect all possible threat sources after you delete StreamingWhereTV from your browser. This browser hijacker modifies your home page and new tab page settings in your Google Chrome browser and set them to home.startstreaming.net, which is a search engine page that has a fake toolbar at the top with quick links to allegedly streaming TV shows and movies. However, instead, you will be disappointed to find that you only get a pop-up window with thumbnails of different shows and movies that simply provide you with basic information but no streaming content. Below the main search box you can also find several thumbnail links leading to popular websites, such as Gmail, Yahoo, and Facebook. We believe that apart from being totally useless, the most problematic part regarding this browser hijacker is the search engine itself because it exposes you to possibly modified Google search results. This may mean that you could be introduced to manipulated results containing questionable third-party advertisements and links that might come from unreliable parties like cyber criminals. In other words, you might click on content on such a search result page that may take you to malicious websites or drop infections directly onto your system. For this reason, we definitely advise you to remove StreamingWhereTV as soon as you finish reading our article. Finally, let us tell you how you can eliminate this annoying and useless browser hijacker. Since this tool only affects your Google Chrome browser for the time being, all you have to do is remove the unreliable extension. Please use our instructions below if you are not familiar with the steps. Hopefully, you understand now why you cannot stop at this point and believe that you are all safe. Since there could be several more "nasties" on board, we suggest that you use a professional malware removal application, such as SpyHunter to automatically get rid of all known malware infections and safeguard your system from future attacks. How to remove StreamingWhereTV from browser
Download Spyware Removal Tool to Remove*
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