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Danger level 7
Type: Browser Hijackers
Common infection symptoms:
  • Hijacks homepage
  • Changes default search engine is on more invasive browser hijacker that you must remove if it is ever found up and running on your operating system. This devious program is known to be roaming the web lately; thus being aware of it is critical. Make sure to ignore any claims that you might come across stating that this application could be useful as it should enhance your overall online experience. Unfortunately, the actual functionality of this browser hijacker is the opposite, meaning that it will only make unwanted and unauthorized changes to your browser's default settings, which will make surfing the web a much more annoying and frustrating task than you are used to. On top of such invasive features, this browser hijacker could even prove to be quite dangerous as it might be the primary reason your computer could be exposed to devious web content, which could result in a system infection. Do not take any chances with and conduct its complete removal right away.

During the initial research of, it has been discovered that it is closely related to other browser hijackers such as,, and quite a few others. The main feature that connects all these devious applications is their overall functionality. The browser hijacker in question, like any of its counterparts, will make intrusive changes your web browser's files and registry entries which are directly linked to its settings. The main alteration triggered by this devious program is of your default homepage. One of the most annoying things about all of this is that you are not notified about changes in any way. Having this browser hijacker up and running on your personal computer means that you will no longer be able to use a website of your preference as your default homepage; instead, you will be forced to start every single online session on a suspicious third-party web page whether you like it or not. It is important to highlight the fact that the search box provided within the suspicious website is quite worthless as it is known to present third-party sponsored results. The same goes for the quick access links as they could also lead you to sponsored sites without any warning. To surf the web the way you are used to once again, you must terminate as soon as it is found up and running on your personal computer. Make sure to follow the instructions that we provide below to get rid of it in a quick and easy manner.

While annoying and frustrating features of should be a reason enough to make you realize that its complete removal is crucial, you must know that there is something much more alarming about it than meets the eye. As it turns out the devious search box might not be only worthless but quite dangerous at times. During our detailed analysis, malware experts have discovered that some results provided by it could be potentially harmful. There is a chance that you could come across a result that hosts redirect links, which could take you to suspicious and even malicious sites. In some instances, you could end up on sites that run something known as arbitrary code execution exploit. Such an exploit is usually used by malware developers as it allows a code to be executed remotely, meaning that an installation of some devious application could be triggered in a silent manner. Even though such results are not an often occurrence coming across them remains a possibility that could have detrimental outcomes. If you are a security-conscious user, the complete removal of should be your utmost priority.

Make sure to use the detailed removal guide that we present to delete in its entirety. It is important to note that you must delete every single bit of this browser hijacker to stop its invasive functionality. Be sure not to rush through the procedure because missed step could mean that traces of are still active on your computer. This might result in a silent restoration procedure of the hijacker in question. To avoid all of this, you can either conduct a detailed analysis of your entire operating system, for potential leftovers associated with or by scanning your PC with a professional antimalware tool since it can detect and delete anything linked to it in an automated manner.

How to remove from your web browser

Google Chrome

  1. Open your File Explorer.
  2. Go to C:\Users\(your username)\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default.
  3. Delete the following files:
    a) Preferences.
    b) Secure Preferences.
    c) Web Data.

Mozilla Firefox

  1. Open your File Explorer.
  2. Navigate to C:\Users\(your username)\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\(unique Mozilla profile ID).
  3. Select a file called prefs.js and tap Delete on your keyboard.

Internet Explorer

  1. Click the Windows button.
  2. Type regedit into a search field and tap Enter on your keytboard.
  3. Go to to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Main.
  4. Right-click a registry value entitled Start Page and select Modify.
  5. Replace the unwanted URL with a new one and then click OK.
  6. Go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\SearchScopes\{0633EE93-D776-472f-A0FF-E1416B8B2E3A}.
  7. Modify the unwanted URL's in the following registry values:
    a) FaviconURL.
    b) FaviconURLFallback.
    c) TopResultURL.
    d) URL.
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