Work-BarWork-Bar is a browser extension that can modify the settings on the Google Chrome web browser, and that is why it is often recognized as a browser hijacker. On the official download page, work-bar.biz, this tool is represented as the “New Tab and Homepage for Chrome.” Because the official installer did not work, we moved to the Chrome web store at chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/work-bar/hofngijjpilmembpgefopjcfiimkdkhi to acquire the extension. This version of the add-on did not modify the homepage; however, it changed the New Tab to represent “chrome-extension://hofngijjpilmembpgefopjcfiimkdkhi/newtab.html”, which is very odd. If these are the modifications you have encountered, it is most likely that you need to remove Work-Bar from your web browsers. Please keep reading to learn all that you need to know. Although an official source exists, it is unlikely that you have used it when downloading Work-Bar. It is much more likely that you have found out about this extension when downloading a different application. Third-party installers that often offer free versions of desirable software usually do so to push users into downloading other suspicious programs. Maybe you installed something you were after along with a bunch of unreliable programs that now require removal? Do not rush to say that your PC is clean because, in some cases, malware can slither in without any notice. Please install a legitimate malware scanner to help you inspect your operating system and find out if malicious infections exist. Needless to say, if you uncover malware, you must delete it ASAP. Hopefully, a scanner will detect only one threat, the suspicious browser hijacker, and you will be able to focus on it alone. According to our research, Work-Bar was created by Via Advertising Group Limited, a company that has released playbar.biz, play-bar.net, magic-bar.net, and solo-bar.biz hijackers. After analyzing the Privacy Policy prepared by the company at work-bar.biz/policy.php, our suspicion is that the main goal behind the extension/hijacker is to introduce you to third-party content. For example, one of the statements informs that Via Advertising Group Limited might “conduct surveys and contests.” Do you want to be flooded with suspicious surveys and prize giveaways while browsing the web? We are sure that you do not. What about potentially unreliable and useless search results you might encounter while searching? That might happen. Although the search tool represented via Work-Bar redirects to Google Search, do not be misguided by the results shown. They could showcase ads, and that might be the doing of the suspicious hijacker. When Work-Bar takes over the New Tab, it displays a search dialog box, and we already know that using this search tool is possibly dangerous. Besides that, the tool also shows the time, your location, and weather. Also, there is a possibility to change the background color. Although these features are useful, it would not be right to call Work-Bar useful. If you pay attention to the information on the official website, this app is meant to provide you with “useful functionality,” but that is not the case. Obviously, that is an important reason to remove this add-on as well because you do not want to waste any time with useless tools. The web is full of useful apps that can make your experience more enjoyable and efficient, and you do not have to stick with the inadequate ones. Use the guide below to delete Work-Bar from your Google Chrome browser, and do not worry if this is the first time you are eliminating an extension because this task is very simple. After you are done with this part of the removal, scan your PC – if you have not done this already – to check if you need to delete any other threats. If they are more complex than the extension, you might want to employ the help of an automated anti-malware tool. Do not hesitate to invest in this tool if you also want to have your operating system and browsers protected in the future. If you already own security software, it might be high time you upgraded it. Work-Bar Removal
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