Additionalsearch.co.ukIf you encounter Additionalsearch.co.uk, you have to be very cautious about how you use this search tool. If it hijacks the homepage of your IE, Firefox, or Chrome browser, we strongly advise deleting this hijacker immediately. Although it looks like a normal search tool that uses the Ask search engine to deliver you search results, there are too many unknowns, and it is likely that trusting and using this search tool can be dangerous. Do you want to take security risks just because of an ordinary web search service? We are sure that you do not, and if you do, you need to read this report to learn more about the suspicious search provider. Of course, we have added the Additionalsearch.co.uk removal guide as well, and you will learn the quickest way to erase this hijacker from your browsers if you keep reading. First things first, how did Additionalsearch.co.uk enter your browsers? It is quite possible that this hijacker will corrupt browsers without permission, in which case, you should not hesitate to delete this browser hijacker as soon as possible. If you have modified your search settings yourself, it might be harder for you to realize that this search tool is unreliable. If you gave permission for Additionalsearch.co.uk to replace your regular homepage, did you do that while downloading other programs? Our guess is that most users will encounter this hijacker via software bundles, which users are likely to execute when downloading much more attractive software. Well, are you sure that all programs packaged with the suspicious hijacker are trustworthy? In fact, it can be very difficult to determine whether or not the programs packaged along might require removal, but you can install a legitimate malware scanner to alleviate the task for yourself. When Additionalsearch.co.uk enters – regardless of which way it does that – it is most likely to replace the homepage of your web browser. The interface of this search tool is not very attractive, but it is not intimidating or shocking either, which is exactly what makes computer users think that maybe it is harmless. The search box in the middle has the “Ask” logo next to it, and, unsurprisingly, the results shown via this search tool redirect to the uk.ask.com search engine. As you might know – if you have used it already – advertisements take up a lot of space, which is why it is not considered to be the most reliable or helpful of web browsers. Is it possible that the ads were injected by the hijacker? It is, which is why you should refrain from interacting with them. The featured links on the home page are placed under UK news, World news, Entertainment, and Weather categories, and they route to the articles on bbc.co.uk, as well as the bbc.com/weather page. Of course, these links are legitimate, and they are not the reason to delete Additionalsearch.co.uk. The main reason we suggest deleting Additionalsearch.co.uk from your web browsers is the lack of legal information. Although this might sound like not a big deal for you, our research team warns that services that are not supported by legal information are too unpredictable. Even though the search tool looks normal, and it appears to display links to legitimate sites, at the end of the day, we know nothing about how it records information, if it can collect personal data, or if it provides unreliable parties with a platform to introduce users to their content. As mentioned previously, there are too many unknowns, and that is why we strongly recommend at least thinking about eliminating this hijacker/search tool. The instructions below were created to help you remove Additionalsearch.co.uk from your web browsers in a quick and easy manner. You could also eliminate this undesirable search tool by modifying the files of your browsers, but that is a more complicated route that not all users might be ready for. While we are certain that everyone will be able to get rid of the hijacker, we are not sure how complex and dangerous the infections that could have been bundled together might be. As mentioned previously, you can employ a malware scanner to figure out if malware has invaded your operating system. Research it, and if you find that you are unable to get rid of it yourself, employ an automated malware remover. Additionalsearch.co.uk RemovalInternet Explorer:
Google Chrome:
Mozilla Firefox:
Download Spyware Removal Tool to Remove*
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