1 of 2
Danger level 7
Type: Trojans
Common infection symptoms:
  • Slow Computer
  • System crashes
  • Slow internet connection
  • Connects to the internet without permission
  • Installs itself without permissions
  • Can't be uninstalled via Control Panel

Lock93 Ransomware

Lock93 Ransomware is a new threat that, once inside the system, starts encrypting personal files. Evidently, it seeks to affect as many computers as possible because the message it leaves for users after it finishes encrypting files is both in English and Russian. It becomes immediately clear after reading these ransom notes that Lock93 Ransomware has been created to coerce users into paying money. Of course, cyber criminals know that it will not be that easy to extort money from users, so they promise to send the so-called unlock code after they receive the payment. It should help to unlock files the ransomware infection has made unusable; however, experts working at pcthreat.com still do not think that it is a good idea to pay money to cyber criminals because there are so many cases when they do not give users the decryption tool they promise to send. It means that users not only lose their files, but also hand in their money to cyber criminals without the possibility of getting them back. Even if the tool is really sent to you after you transfer the certain amount of money they ask, you will unlock your files but do not delete Lock93 Ransomware from your computer, which means that it might encrypt your files once again in the future. To protect your future files, you should focus on the removal of the ransomware infection first.

Even though ransomware infections enter computers without permission, you will not need much time to find out that there is such a computer infection on your system. It will quickly lock files and append the filename extension .lock93 to encrypted data. Of course, you could not open these personal files too. Then, as our researchers have found during their research, Lock93 Ransomware opens a window on Desktop containing the ransom note. A file (ИНСТРУКЦИЯ INSTRUCTION.txt) with a similar content will be created too. No matter which one of them you open, you will find out immediately that data stored on the system has been encrypted. In order to get files back, users are told to send the provided unique code (e.g. 55435) to oplaticydadeng@mail.ru or zaplatiddeng@yandex.ru. After doing that, you should receive an answer from cyber criminals with instructions on how to make a payment. It is very likely that Lock93 Ransomware belongs to Russian cyber criminals because the ransom asked is 1000 RUR (Old Russian rubles). If you do some calculations, you will see that the ransom asked by Lock93 Ransomware is not huge at all. Even though cyber criminals do not require much money, specialists are against payments to owners of ransomware infections because there is a huge possibility that they will not give you the key to unlock files despite the fact that you do what they say. In addition, they will definitely not stop developing other threats if all the users send them money.

Ransomware infections are sneaky threats that enter computers without permission. Of course, users are responsible for their entrance as well because they are the ones who open malicious attachments from spam emails. This distribution method is the most common; however, ransomware infections might find other ways to enter computers as well. Once Lock93 Ransomware is inside the computer, it not only encrypts personal data, creates a file and opens a Window on Desktop, but also places its executable file {random name}.exe in %TEMP%, %USERPROFILE%\Downloads or Desktop. In other words, it does not seek to stay unnoticed, so we are sure that users who get infected with this threat will find out soon about that.

Your files will not be unlocked if you delete Lock93 Ransomware from your system; however, you have to do that as soon as possible to protect your future files and eliminate the annoying window from Desktop. What you have to do is to remove its executable file from the computer. Of course, it is possible to do that manually; however, if you do not know where to look for it, you should scan your computer with an automatic scanner SpyHunter. It will find the main file of Lock93 Ransomware for you and then will erase it from your computer within seconds. Do not forget to install a reputable antimalware tool on your computer after the deletion of this ransomware infection because it is not so easy to prevent serious threats from entering the system.

Delete Lock93 Ransomware manually

  1. Tap Win+E.
  2. Open %TEMP% and %USERPROFILE%\Downloads directories.
  3. Find the {randomname}.exe belonging to the ransomware infection and erase it (you should check Desktop too if you cannot find it).
  4. Remove ИНСТРУКЦИЯ INSTRUCTION.txt from Desktop.
  5. Clear the Recycle bin.
Download Spyware Removal Tool to Remove* Lock93 Ransomware
  • Quick & tested solution for Lock93 Ransomware removal.
  • 100% Free Scan for Windows

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