Search.youremailhub.comWe have recently received information about a search engine called Search.youremailhub.com. After investigating the information, we have concluded that this search engine is nothing more than a browser hijacker that you ought to remove ASAP. We regard it as a browser hijacker because its developers use dishonest marketing methods to get you to install it on your computer. It is supported by Internet Explorer, Chrome, and Firefox, so if you are a user of one of more of these web browsers, then we invite you to read this whole article. Typically, browser hijacker are bundled with browser extensions or applications that install them secretly or at least try to hide the button that allows you to remove them from the setup. However, Search.youremailhub.com is different because it has a dedicated distribution website at Youremailhub.com. This site claims to provide a certain service. This service is to help you to login to your email faster. However, this is not its primary function. When you click “Install & View Email” it offers you to “Set your home and new tab page to youremailhub.com” and “Set your default search to youremailhub.com.” Of course, you can decline the offer, but in that case, you will not get your easy email access function because it is integrated into the hijacker. There is no application or browser extension because the setup simply changes the browser settings. We would also like to make you aware of the fact that the company responsible for releasing this particular hijacker has also released many similar hijackers that include Search.yourpackagesnow.com, Search.yourmapscenter.com, and Search.youremailnow.com, among other hijackers. All of them are distributed in a similar fashion. The company responsible for publishing these hijackers is called Your Email Hub. Not much is known about it, but it is obvious that it is in the web monetization business. Thus, this company cannot be trusted. This company cannot be trusted because it used dishonest marketing tactics to distribute its hijackers and its hijackers are configured to promote questionable content. Indeed, one of the main reasons for getting rid of this browser hijacker is the fact that Search.youremailhub.com redirects the search queries to a customized version of Yahoo.com. The search results of the custom Yahoo.com search engine can contain links to Your Email Hub’s partner websites, and this means that your computer can become infected with more malware. Nevertheless, this is not the only problem associated with this hijacker. Like all browser hijackers, this one also collects information about its users. This hijacker’s owners can obtain personally identifiable information about you. The Privacy Policy states that “we may collect personally-identifiable information through the use of our Services upon your contacting us so that we may respond to your questions or comments, such as your name, email or mailing address, or other information you include when contacting us.” Furthermore, this hijacker should collect non-personally identifiable information about you such as your browsing history, search history, IP address, ISP, computer information, and so on. In other words, they collect all information that they are legally allowed to collect to improve the marketing campaign and generate more advertising revenue. In conclusion, Search.youremailhub.com is not your average search engine. Its developers advertise it as something that will improve your computer by creating bookmarks for email service providers. Indeed, it can do it, but this service is nothing but a gimmick because you can make your bookmarks to those email providers. We have discovered that Search.youremailhub.com is set to hijack your browser’s homepage and subject you to promotion links for which its developers get paid. So, if you want to keep your computer safe, then we highly recommend that you remove it using our instructions. Also, we advise that you scan your computer using our recommended anti-malware program in case some malicious software has managed to enter your PC. How to remove Search.youremailhub.comMozilla Firefox
Google Chrome
Microsoft Internet Explorer
Download Spyware Removal Tool to Remove*
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