Search.thegreatestonlinegames.comIf Search.thegreatestonlinegames.com search engine ever appears on your Internet Explorer, Google Chrome and/or Mozilla Firefox, it is very likely that you have installed a new extension. Of course, it might have entered your system without your permission as well, especially if you see the presence of Search.thegreatestonlinegames.com but cannot remember downloading it yourself. In fact, it is not very important how the extension responsible for the presence of Search.thegreatestonlinegames.com has appeared on the system because you still need to get rid of it in order to be able to set another homepage, search engine, and New Tab page. We will explain you the entire removal process in the last paragraph of the article. Below the article you will find the manual removal instructions as well. Of course, you need to read the article from beginning to end if you wish to find out more information about the search engine itself. It is unclear for many users why we suggest removing Search.thegreatestonlinegames.com. Actually, the answer is very simple. First of all, this search engine acts like other unreliable search engines, e.g. Search.mygamesxp.com, Search.MyTelevisionXp.com, and Search.Mycouponsxp.com. Secondly, if a user decides to enter a keyword into its search box, it will first open extsearch.maxwebsearch.com before showing the modified Yahoo! search results. As users are redirected to several different web pages first, it is not surprising at all that they see the modified search results. Do not click on any of the search results provided by Search.thegreatestonlinegames.com because you might infect your computer with malicious software really quickly. These search results themselves are not malicious; however, it is known that they are capable of redirecting users to other unreliable web pages. If you do not want to end up on the website with malware, you need to eliminate the search engine in order to reduce the possibility of entering untrustworthy websites. Yes, we know that Search.thegreatestonlinegames.com looks quite decent at first because it provides easy-access links to interesting game and social-networking websites; however, your security is very important to us and we do not want that you to risk causing harm to your PC. You should remove Search.thegreatestonlinegames.com not only because it will change your homepage, search engine, New Tab page and have a potential of providing users with untrustworthy modified search results. According to the specialists at pcthreat.com, this search engine might gather information about you day after day as well. It is said that you agree with that in the Privacy Policy by installing the extension:
As you can see, there is a slight possibility that this search engine will gather personal information too. Therefore, we do not think that it is the best idea to use this search engine on a daily basis. As you already know, other unreliable search engines exist as well, so you should take care of your system’s safety. We do not expect that you will protect the system yourself; however, we are sure that you can, at least, install a trustworthy antimalware tool on the system. Many users wonder why they see the presence of Search.thegreatestonlinegames.com. As we have already mentioned, it has been set because you have installed a particular extension. Of course, there is no doubt that this extension has been set because you have clicked on a pop-up advertisement displayed by malicious software installed on your computer, e.g. TermTrident and SwiftSearch. Last but not least, you might have simply downloaded the software bundle containing the extension promoting Search.thegreatestonlinegames.com and other applications. Search.thegreatestonlinegames.com search engine cannot be erased very easily because it does not have an uninstall; however, we still believe that you will eliminate it in a manual way. If we are mistaken, do not hesitate to use an automatic malware remover, such as SpyHunter. This tool will not only erase all the existing infections, but will also find and erase other threats that might hide in all kinds of directories on your system. Delete Search.thegreatestonlinegames.comInternet Explorer
Google Chrome
Mozilla Firefox
Download Spyware Removal Tool to Remove*
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