1 of 2
Danger level 10
Type: Trojans
Common infection symptoms:
  • Connects to the internet without permission
  • Shows commercial adverts
  • Normal system programs crash immediatelly
  • Slow internet connection
  • System crashes
  • Annoying Pop-up's
  • Slow Computer
Other mutations known as:

Security System

Security System is a fraudulent Trojan warning message which claims that you might have a possible spyware infection in your computer. It distinguishes TrojanDownloader.XS as the main threat with a high risk level. Security System says that you need to update your computer’s antivirus program in order to remove the “detected” spyware. Naturally, the message is fake and the prompt to update the computer safeguard is generated, because Security System promotes Antispyware-reviews.biz website and rogue antispyware programs that site distributes.

The reason why this message appears on your screen is that Security System wants to convince you that you are seriously infected so that you would end up buying PC-Antispyware or PC-Cleaner rogue antispyware programs. Naturally, this is just a scam designed to steal your money leaving your computer potentially harmed to the point of no return.

There are two basic ways for Security System infection to get into your system. First, it can get in bundled together with real Trojans (such as Trojan Zlob). Secondly, it can be downloaded via fake video codec like Video ActiveX. You encounter these fake codecs online, when a fake video player tells you that you cannot play the video unless you download the codec. The only things you download, however, are various infects like Security System.

When Security System warning messages starts plaguing you, it can tremendously slow down your computer processes and even cause critical Windows errors. That is why you are recommended to remove Security System as soon as possible. Get yourself a reliable security tool which will intercept the infection and delete it for you automatically.

Download Spyware Removal Tool to Remove* Security System
  • Quick & tested solution for Security System removal.
  • 100% Free Scan for Windows

How to manually remove Security System

Files associated with infection (Security System):


Processes to kill (Security System):


Remove registry entries (Security System):



  1. pcthreat.com May 8, 2008

    If You are still infected with some kind of parasite, please use the Spyware Helpdesk function. Our support team will create a custom fix just for Your computer.

  2. bobby b Nov 25, 2008

    that did not help one bit

  3. fib Dec 22, 2008

    I'm kinda scared to try it

  4. richa Dec 30, 2008

    i am kind of unsure of effectively this works. it should not create more problems than the ones i already have.

  5. blank Jan 4, 2009

    is this really going to work ? has abybody remove it using this program

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