I-GosearchI-Gosearch is a very suspicious search engine. In the past, users have reported this search engine to corrupt web browsers illegally, but our malware researchers have not witnessed such activity. Of course, if you have found that this search tool has been installed without your permission, you need to delete it ASAP. Do you want to remove I-Gosearch even if it is not acting as a browser hijacker? You can do whatever you want with the programs installed on your PC, so we will help you delete this search tool. I-Gosearch is represented via i-gosearch.com, and the interface of this search engine is not suspicious. The only suspicious feature is the Add Search option that allows users to change home page and default search provider settings with one click. Of course, this does not make I-Gosearch a browser hijacker that requires immediate removal. You are not forced to change your browser settings, but, if you have changed them voluntarily, our removal instructions below will help you delete I-Gosearch from your browsers. Besides showcasing the Add Search option, I-Gosearch also represents the regular search tools: Web, Images, Videos, and News. Additionally, I-Gosearch provides an easy-access link to Gmail, but the remaining services are operated via i-gosearch.com. According to our research, this search tool does not present sponsored search results, but you might be introduced to online advertisements. As disclosed in the Privacy Policy, I-Gosearch can deliver ads provided by advertising partners. These partners might access the information about your virtual activity, and if you are not comfortable with this, you need to remove I-Gosearch-related cookies and other data-tracking technologies. Before we jump to the removal of I-Gosearch, you need to remember if you have installed this search tool bundled with other programs. It is unlikely that you will have to remove unwanted programs if you apply I-Gosearch as the home page or the default search provider via i-gosearch.com, but you might have to remove malware if you have downloaded this search tool bundled with other unfamiliar programs. Do not ignore these potential threats and inspect them with a reliable malware scanner. If you find that you need to delete malware, you might want to install automatic malware removal software. Remember that as long as this software is active on your PC, you will not need to fear the invasion of malicious programs, and you should install it even if right now you only need to delete I-Gosearch. Have you decided to remove I-Gosearch using our guide below? If you have, do not forget to run a malware scanner afterward to make sure that no leftovers were missed. I-Gosearch RemovalRemove from Google Chrome
Remove from Internet Explorer
Remove from Mozilla Firefox
Download Spyware Removal Tool to Remove*
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