isearch.omiga-plus.comThere is no doubt that is a search engine which could be used by a malicious browser hijacker. Even though at first the search engine may seem completely reliable and even useful, soon enough you should be able to realize that it cannot be trusted. Many computer users are familiar with the Omiga Plus desktop manager available from, and both the manager and the search engine are presented by Taiwan Shui Mu Chih Ching Technology. As research shows, the browser hijacker can be bundled with this application, as well as Desk 365 and SoftStud. Have you noticed any of these programs running on your operating Windows system? Then check the browsers to figure out whether you need to delete hijacker as well. Have you heard of the Taiwan Shui Mu Chih Ching Technology Ltd before? It is the company which stands behind which is also used as a browser hijacker. Alongside the Omiga Plus search engine it produces advertisement-supported search results and can present you with unreliable advertisements. As our researchers have revealed, the clandestine hijacker can also modify the Properties of your web browser shortcuts, which is why every time you change your home page and search provider settings you discover that you were unsuccessful. This is a seriously clandestine trick that schemers have created to push you into using If you have checked the Privacy Policy represented through the search engine you should be aware that its developers “cannot guarantee that Personal Information will not be subjected to unauthorized access”, and so using the search engine is not what you need to do. If you do not want to be rerouted to websites which could harbor malware or which could get you involved in various virtual schemes, you should remove from your browsers as soon as you possibly can. To delete this type of a browser hijacker you firstly need to reconfigure the Properties of your browser shortcuts. Once this is done you will have no issues changing your home page and search provider settings. If you are not sure as to how to perform the removal task – follow the steps provided below. Most importantly, you need to install a reliable, automatic malware detection and removal tool to have the computer scanned, additional infections deleted and the entire system safeguarded against potential schemers’ attacks in the future. RemovalRemove from Mozilla Firefox:
Remove from Google Chrome:
Remove from Internet Explorer:
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Download Spyware Removal Tool to Remove*
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It worked
Not works for me
It takes 2hrs for downlaod,install, and scanning, it only fix treats when you purchase this software. 2 hrs of hard work in vain. thanks for wasting my time.
Se tarda 2 horas para downlaod, instalar, y el escaneo, sólo fijar trata cuando usted compra este software. 2 horas de duro trabajo en vano. gracias por hacerme perder el tiempo.
Thanks you so much, it helped me to remove such a risky & irritating thing from my computer
it says that spyhunter experienced a crash.. what shall i do with it? i am using chrome.
Doesn't work (Chrome). It keeps coming back after I restart my pc.
Ditto. Refuses to be removed.
Link not accepted. Just Google it.
It worked for me. Hurray! :)
not work for me
Yay It Worked you wasted my time
at looking on a scam
1. I cant find the file aon_ar_omiga.exe
2. Im bulgarian with bulgarian browser im not american...
hey it's a wastage of time
did not work neither on Explorer nor Firefox. Will not buy any Spyware remover.I am sure I will succeed. No waste of time, but learning new skills. :-)
Thank you so much!
I followed the steps for Chrome and looked for unfamiliar software and got rid of it.
Thanks again!
not worked for me
the best way to get rid of this sh*t is TrojanKiller -
It will come back soon!
to this link absolutely iserch and omaga pluse is deleted from ur crome and browser
No comment
bugger off
still there on chrome
Just reset your browser and everything works smooth
Following worked for me on windows 7...
1.Right click on Firefox / Chrome shortcut icon.
2. Click on Properties.
3. In the Shortcut tab, check the Target value. it must be "C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe" for firefox and "C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" for chrome, nothing else.
4. Remove any extra link from their, hopefully it will work.
Not Work
did'nt work for me ..
Followed steps for Chrome,didn't work.HOWEVER found a way that does ..... Go Into Regedit (Windows Key + R ,type in "regedit". Once you are in Regedit: Click EDIT - Find - Type in "omiga" Delete all entries . Keep searching until all omiga references are deleted .... Launch your browser.
Manu is right.
And Target should be
"C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox.exe" for firefox
"C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" for chrome.
Omiga changes Shortcut's Target string too. You simply need to fix the shortcut after you completed steps above.
It finally WORKED for me
Didn't work for me.. Tried a few manual fixes too. This tool worked out though: free and ads free.. I would recommend it if manual instructions are working out for you..
It works.... Just remove extra parameters from browser shortcut.
It worked, thanks for helping me :)
This has helped me immensely! Thank you so much!
thanx it works
recently I installed clipGrab sw to fetch video, along with it 360 tal security installed, I thought of removing it, but I scanned, automatically Omigaplus is removed, Thanks 360 and clipgrab
just go into control pannel, uninstall a program, serach by date (to find any similar progams on there from same incidence). Uninstall. Simples
I just followed ashy' steps, worked perfectly. Thanks
Did NOT work!
After trying everything under the sun the instruction given above apperas to have worked. Many thanks. I was going bonkers with this one.
It worked...
Follows the steps below:
1.Right click on Google Chrome shortcut on taskbar and start...
2.Click on the properties of that shorcut
3.In the Shortcut tab, check the Target value. it must be"C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe" same as address on start in on properties...
4.If the target is different from the start in address, change the the address same to start in address.
5.Good luck..
thanks a bunch !
WHAT THE ***** ?! AT LEAST GIVE RIGHT INSTRUCTIONS. // Move to On Startup, mark Open a specific page or set of pages and click Set pages. there is NOWHERE ON MY SCREEN I COULD CLICK WHAT YOU'RE SAYING.
what a load of crap
download adware removal tool, it fixes this ***** for free on all browsers.
didn't help me:(((
Adware Removal Tool worked for me after i unsuccesfully tried all the other things proposed here (including regedit...) Thanks andrew.
Or winzip?
2 days now and it's still there on explorer and google chrome!
download this to get rid of the john
the bug altogether.
get rid of it
does anybody know of a free virus/adware that gets rid of it??
its not worked.....:(
Thanks Mike at Post 30. After an entire day of trying every option outlined here and elsewhere, the only thing that worked for me was the Windows R and regedit and deleting every mention individually. Keep going back to the file edit function and click next file till they run out. Good luck.
Nope. Didn't work.
Adware Removal Tool v3.9 - done the job:)
Mike suggestion at post 28 worked. Use regedit to remove it.
isearch removal not successful even after repeated attempts. After running Spy Hunter 4, the scan is arrested at 93% where search is in 'internet explorer\SearchScopes' of 'registry'. please help.
i have a folder called XTab and thats not deleting
it is not even free and also had this problem at 93% internet explorer\SearchScopes
Thanks Manu! It worked for me. It was really getting on my nerves.
Thanks Manu @ 29 no Comment
It worked for me.
tried above didnot work.instead go to advanced setting, and click RESET FACTORY SETTINGS. Workrd for me
Not working for chrome explorer. Just wasting the time
Manu's worked. Thanks.
in all honest opinion- i've tried every single "solution"of which worked. whyyyyyyy
Shiv Kumar Bhai