Click on screenshot to zoom
Danger level 9
Type: Malware
Common infection symptoms:
  • Block exe files from running
  • Installs itself without permissions
  • Connects to the internet without permission
  • Normal system programs crash immediatelly
  • Slow internet connection
  • System crashes
  • Slow Computer

Carabinieri virus

Carabinieri virus is a ransomware infection which is installed without the user’s permission and takes the computer hostage in order to make the user pay a fee of 100 Euros. The infection is a Trojan horse called Urausy, and it has a number of different versions which are already known around the world. The threat has different interfaces for every targeted country in order to convince the users that the legal enforcement agency of the country has discovered that the user is related to the distribution of prohibited content.

Like the vast majority of ransom warning that are generated by Trojan horses, Carabinieri virus, or rather the warning, contains the heading “Arma dei Carabinier”, which is the national military police of Italy. If your computer is infected with this threat, you should pay no attention to all the details indicating that the warning is sent by the police but remove Carabinieri virus from the computer. Moreover, ignore the emblems of Internet Police and Cyber Crime Unit. None of the institutions that are presented is related to the production of the warning or the ones that created the Trojan, so do not worry about the accusations of using or distributing pornography and other material – remove Carabinieri virus as soon as you can.

According to the warning, you have to pay a fine of €100 using either Paysafecard or Ukash. Due to the fact that the actual accusers are probably a group of cyber criminals, you should disregard the fine and the requirement to pay the fine in 48 hours:

La multa deve essere pagata da Lei entro 48 ore dope la violazione. Una volta che le 48 ore sono trascorse, per ulteriore 48 ore saranno raccolte automaticamente le informazioni complete su di Lei, e Lei te sarà perseguito.

Do not delay the removal of Carabinieri virus because the infection might download some additional program that may try to steal your personal information.

In order to remove Carabinieri virus from the computer and protect the computer against future infections, you should install SpyHunter, which is a powerful and reliable spyware removal tool. It has been used to eliminate Počítač je uzamčen poskytovatele služeb Internetu Virus, Ústav Počítačové Trestné Činnosti virus, and many other different computer infections. Use this spyware prevention tool if you want to be safe on the Internet and save your time.

How to remove Carabinieri virus

Windows Vista and Windows 7

  1. Restart the computer.
  2. Wait for the BIOS splash screen to load and tap the F8 key.
  3. Using the up/down arrow keys, select Safe Mode with Networking and press Enter.
  4. Open a browser and go to to download the recommended spyware removal tool.
  5. Install the application and scan the PC.

Windows 8

  1. Press the Windows key to access the Start screen.
  2. Launch Internet Explorer.
  3. Go to our website and download SpyHunter.
  4. Install it and scan the PC.

Windows XP

  1. Restart the computer.
  2. Once the BIOS splash screen loads, tap the F8 key.
  3. Select the Safe Mode with Networking option using the arrow keys.
  4. Press Enter.
  5. When the dialog box appears, click on the Yes button.
  6. Open the Start menu.
  7. Launch the Run command.
  8. Type in msconfig and click OK.
  9. Open the Startup tab and click Disable All.
  10. Click Apply.
  11. Go to and download the anti-spyware program.
  12. Restart the computer.
  13. Install the application and scan the PC.
Download Spyware Removal Tool to Remove* Carabinieri virus
  • Quick & tested solution for Carabinieri virus removal.
  • 100% Free Scan for Windows

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