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Danger level 7
Type: Browser Hijackers
Common infection symptoms:
  • Connects to the internet without permission
  • Slow internet connection


Search.Crossrider is considered to be a malicious browser hijacker, and if you have discovered unauthorized redirecting to this page, there is no doubt that the program has been infiltrated onto your personal computer as well. The clandestine hijacker is meant to boost traffic to a number of different websites, and there are no guarantees that all of them are secure. In fact, if your operating Windows system is nor shielded against malware by authentic spyware detection and removal software, there is a possibility that the browser hijacker will route you to corrupted sites or sources supporting questionable advertisements. If you are unsure whether the computer has been attacked by a hijacker, we recommend clicking the download button and installing the free-of-charge spyware scanner which will indicate whether there are any malicious programs which you may need to delete. If you need to delete Search.Crossrider – the information below will help you.

You may already be familiar with the name of Search.Crossrider if you have dealt with the Corssid adware. It has been discovered that the suspicious application enables browser helper objects (e.g. Crossrider.dll) to spy upon your virtual activity. As soon as there is enough information about your personal habits, it is possible that suspicious third party advertisers will flood your Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome or Internet Explorer browsers with adware. All of this may considerably slow down your browsers, which is extremely irritating. If you wish to restore the functionality of your web browsers you certainly need to remove Search.Crossrider. This can also prevent the infiltration of other dangerous computer infections. As research shows, schemers often employ browser hijackers to expose security backdoors and drop malware onto the computer without the knowledge of its owner.

The components of the potentially dangerous browser hijacker are hidden under %PROGRAMFILES% as well as %USERPROFILE%. The manual removal of these files, unfortunately, may be quite complicated, which is why we recommend you install authentic spyware detection and removal software (e.g. SpyHunter). In case your home page and search provider settings have been modified during the attack of the hijacker, you will have to delete Search.Crossrider from browsers manually. Please perform this operation after employing reliable Windows protection software and having potentially running malware removed from the PC.

Change home page/search provider settings

Remove from Mozilla Firefox:

  1. Open the browser, click the search provider icon on the search box and select Manage Search Engines.
  2. Click the undesirable search provider, select Remove and then hit OK.
  3. Simultaneously tap Alt+T to open the Tools menu and select Options.
  4. Click the General tab, remove/overwrite the Home Page and click OK.

Remove from Internet Explorer:

  1. Launch the browser, simultaneously tap Alt+T and select Internet Options.
  2. Click the General tab, change/remove the URL under Home Page and click OK.
  3. Open the Tools menu (Alt+T) once again and select Manage Add-ons.
  4. Select Search Providers from the menu on the left, Remove the undesirable option and click Close.

Remove from Google Chrome:

  1. Open Chrome, simultaneously tap keys Alt+F to open the menu and select Settings.
  2. Under On Startup mark Open a specific page or set of pages. Click Set pages.
  3. Locate the URL of the undesirable page, change/remove it and click OK.
  4. Under Appearance mark Show Home button and click Change.
  5. Repeat step 3 to remove the undesirable home button page.
  6. Move to Search and click Manage search engines.
  7. Choose a new default search provider, delete the unwanted one (click X) and then click OK.
Download Spyware Removal Tool to Remove* Search.Crossrider
  • Quick & tested solution for Search.Crossrider removal.
  • 100% Free Scan for Windows

How to manually remove Search.Crossrider

Files associated with infection (Search.Crossrider):

Installation Assistant.dll

Dynamic Link Libraries to remove (Search.Crossrider):

Installation Assistant.dll

Processes to kill (Search.Crossrider):


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