Click on screenshot to zoom
Danger level 9
Type: Malware
Common infection symptoms:
  • Installs itself without permissions
  • Changes background
  • Connects to the internet without permission

Grupo de Delitos Telemáticos virus

Grupo de Delitos Telemáticos virus is a computer infection that you will definitely notice at once. This ransomware application blocks desktop access and demands ransom fee, if you want to unlock your computer. It also says that all of your data will be formatted if you trying unlocking your PC on your own. However, just like most of the malware promises, this is not valid as well. You need to remove Grupo de Delitos Telemáticos virus from your system right now and then safeguard your computer against other possible infections, because malware is always there, ready to exploit system vulnerabilities.

This infection comes from Ukash Virus group and it borrows its name from the Ukash payment system. Grupo de Delitos Telemáticos virus makes use of Ukash and PaySafeCard alternative payment methods to collect the ransom fees, but do not be deceived – these payment systems are absolutely legal and malicious ransomware infections are using them, because the transfer method is really easy and they do not require bank account or a credit card number. This way Grupo de Delitos Telemáticos virus manages to affect a lot more people, but those users who have already been acquainted with Dirección General de la Policía Virus or Cuerpo National de Policía virus will definitely know that the notification on your screens is not real.

¡ATENCIÓN! Su ordenador personal ha sido bloqueado por razones de seguridad vistos lost motives abajo detallados.

Usted está acusado de mirar/conserver y/o divulger los materials pornográficos del contenido prohibido (PornografÍa infantile/Zoofilia/Violación etc.). Usted ha infringido la Declaración mundial de la lucha contra la divulgación de la pornografÍa infantile y está acusado de cometer el crimen en razón al ArtÍculo 161 del Código Penal del ReÍno de España.

Above you can see part of the message that accuses you of storing child pornography and bestiality material.  Grupo de Delitos Telemáticos virus behaves like a representative of law enforcement authorities of the Kingdom of Spain. Therefore, a lot of users start doubting whether they are being detained in reality. Not to mention, that a big number of users realize that Grupo de Delitos Telemáticos virus is a computer infection, but they still end up paying the 100 euro release fee, because they want to restore their desktop access as soon as possible.

Unfortunately, Grupo de Delitos Telemáticos virus does not “release” your computer no matter how many times you would transfer the fine. It has been created in order to remain in your system for as long as possible, threatening you and blocking your desktop access. Therefore, you need to unlock your computer yourself and then acquire a legitimate computer safety application that will remove Grupo de Delitos Telemáticos virus automatically along with Urausy Trojan which brought the ransomware onto you in the first place. And do not worry – your files will remain intact!

How to restore desktop access

Windows 8

  1. Press Windows key and click the Internet Explorer tile.
  2. Go to and click Run on the download dialog box.
  3. Install SpyHunter and scan your computer.

Windows Vista & Windows 7

  1. Restart your PC and tap F8 repeatedly for Advanced Boot Options menu to appear.
  2. Use arrow keys to navigate and select Safe Mode with Networking. Press Enter.
  3. Access and download SpyHunter.
  4. Install the program and run a full system scan.

Windows XP

  1. Follow the steps 1 and 2 above.
  2. Click Yes on the confirmation box.
  3. Download SpyHunter.
  4. Open Start menu and click Run.
  5. Enter “msconfig” and press OK.
  6. Select Startup tab on System Configuration Utility.
  7. Click Disable all and click OK to save changes.
  8. Restart your computer in Normal Mode.
  9. Install SpyHunter and perform a full system scan.

Leave us a comment if you need any help with Grupo de Delitos Telemáticos virus removal, or you want to know more about how to protect your system from dangerous infections.

Download Spyware Removal Tool to Remove* Grupo de Delitos Telemáticos virus
  • Quick & tested solution for Grupo de Delitos Telemáticos virus removal.
  • 100% Free Scan for Windows

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