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Danger level 6
Type: Trojans
Common infection symptoms:
  • Connects to the internet without permission
  • Installs itself without permissions
  • Slow Computer
  • Slow internet connection
  • System crashes


Backdoor.Arwobot.B is a dangerous computer infection which can get to your PC unnoticed and make a lot of changes. If you do not remove this Trojan horse from the PC, you may lose control over machine and have it connected to a botnet. Once present on the PC, Backdoor.Arwobot.B attempts to launch as many malicious processes as possible. If you are aware that this threat is on your computer, do not wait any longer and remove it immediately.

In order to remain unnoticed, Backdoor.Arwobot.B installs itself as update10.exe. Very often such file names are used by automatic updaters that connect to particular servers and search for the latest updates. Once the file is dropped into the %ProgramFiles% folder, a mutex known as R4G3b0t is created. Needless to say, some registry entries are modified in order for the Trojan to start running once the user logs onto the PC.

As for the payload, Backdoor.Arwobot.B attempts to connect to a remote server at port 6667. When the remote attackers manage to gain control over the system, various malicious operations can be performed. For example, new malware can be downloaded and installed in order to capture desktop contents, record your usernames and passwords, monitor what website you try to access, etc.

The overall performance then depends on the malware and malicious processes running within the system. If you see that the machine is no longer operable, you should not delay but act immediately to resolve the program.

The easiest way to get rid of Backdoor.Arwobot.B is by using a spyware removal tool. Our advice is to employ SpyHunter for this anti-spyware program is capable of spyware and malware removal. The time-saving program will terminate Backdoor.Arwobot.B with ease and secure you and your PC against malware attacks. The sooner you take some measures for removing Backdoor.Arwobot.B, the sooner you can browse the Internet safely.

Download Spyware Removal Tool to Remove* Backdoor.Arwobot.B
  • Quick & tested solution for Backdoor.Arwobot.B removal.
  • 100% Free Scan for Windows

How to manually remove Backdoor.Arwobot.B

Files associated with infection (Backdoor.Arwobot.B):


Processes to kill (Backdoor.Arwobot.B):


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