Danger level 9
Type: Malware
Common infection symptoms:
  • Block exe files from running
  • Connects to the internet without permission
  • Installs itself without permissions
  • Normal system programs crash immediatelly
  • Slow Computer
  • Slow internet connection
  • System crashes


SPAUTORES Virus is a ransomware infection which has caused serious trouble to a lot of computer users. The threat is associated with Gimemo Trojan which disables access to the screen by corrupting the system settings and displaying a full-screen hoax message. The warning has a heading SPAUTORES which refers to the Portuguese Authors Society which represents authors from literary and artistic areas, including music, dances and other spheres.  However, this organization is not related to the content and production of the message because it is created by cyber criminals who have already created tens of distinct variant of SPAUTORES Virus.

According to the information provided by the message, you are accused of downloading illegal pieces of music; hence you are supposed to pay a fine of 100 Euros:

Foram detetados descarregamentos de peças musicais ilegais(piratas) no seu computador.

Pode ser facilmente identificado através da resolução do seu endereço IP e nome de host associado.

Para desbloquer o seu computador e evitar consequências legais, é obrigado a pagar uma taxa de liberação de € 100.

We advise you to ignore the notification and not to follow the requirement to pay the money via Paysafecard.  This and other variants were detected in May 2012 but it has been recently found that there is a new release of slightly different interfaces which are associated with the same Gimemo Trojan. For example, about a year ago, a threat bearing the logo of Sacem was detected. This year the same institution is presented in a warning called Ordinateur est Verrouillé Virus. Of course, there are many more variants of Gimemo, including Datamaskinen din har blitt låst Virus and Din computer er blevet låst Virus, all of which should be removed once their misleading notifications are noticed.

Thinking of how to delete SPAUTORES Virus? Below you will find our step-by-step instructions which will help you get rid of the infection and protect the PC. We recommend that you use our spyware removal tool SpyHunter as this highly reliable tool can easily terminate all types of infections.

How to remove SPAUTORES Virus

Windows Vista/7

  1. Restart the PC.
  2. Start tapping the F8 key once the BIOS screen loads.
  3. In the boot options menu, select Safe Mode with Networking and press Enter.
  4. Go to http://www.pcthreat.com/download-sph and download SpyHunter.
  5. Remove the infection once you have installed the application.

Windows XP

  1. Reboot the computer.
  2. Once the BIOS startup screen loads, start tapping the F8 key to access the Windows Advanced Options Menu.
  3. Use the arrow keys to select Safe Mode with Networking and press Enter.
  4. When the dialog box pops up, click on Yes.
  5. Go to the Start menu.
  6. Launch Run.
  7. Type “msconfig”.
  8. Press OK.
  9. Under the Startup tab, click on the Disable All button and then select Apply.
  10. Download SpyHunter.
  11. Restart the PC.
  12. Run the installer and scan the PC to remove SPAUTORES Virus.
Download Spyware Removal Tool to Remove* SPAUTORES Virus
  • Quick & tested solution for SPAUTORES Virus removal.
  • 100% Free Scan for Windows

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