- Block exe files from running
- Installs itself without permissions
- Connects to the internet without permission
- Normal system programs crash immediatelly
- Slow internet connection
- System crashes
- Slow Computer
Politiet Norge VirusPolitiet Norge Virus is a computer infection which is spread in Norway and whose only goal is to make computer users pay 100 Pounds or 1000 Kroner either via Ukash or Paysafecard. The threat, which is also known as the Urausy Trojan, displays a bogus message which is loaded whenever the computer is turned on. The interface of the threat contains the logo of European Cybercrime Centre, International Cyber Security Protection Alliance (ICSPA) and Norwegian Police (Politiet). Moreover, charges alleging that you are related to the use and distribution of copyrighted or pornographic material are presented:
At the bottom of the message, the amount of the money that has to be paid is presented as well:
It is crucial to ignore the fake notification as the money that you consider paying will not help you unlock the computer. The sooner you remove Politiet Norge Virus, the better it is for your own security as the infection may severely affect the performance of your PC. Such variants of Politiet Norge Virus as Polícia De Segurança Pública Virus, Suomen Poliisi Virus, and Rikspolisstyrelsen Virus are already known in Portugal, Finland, and Sweden respectively. Some other European countries and the countries in other continents have also been attacked by different variants of the Urausy Trojan. Do not let the obnoxious infection damage your PC – remove it right now with the help of our step-by-step instructions that are presented below: How to remove Politiet Norge VirusWindows Vista/7
Windows XP
Download Spyware Removal Tool to Remove*
Politiet Norge Virus
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