Click on screenshot to zoom
Danger level 7
Type: Trojans
Common infection symptoms:
  • Connects to the internet without permission
  • Installs itself without permissions
  • Slow Computer
  • Slow internet connection
  • System crashes


Backdoor.Proxybox is a devious Windows infection which may corrupt your PC and utilize it for dangerous malware infiltration and distribution procedures. As the title of the application suggests, it is a backdoor Trojan, and if you do not remove it from your personal computer, it could expose your system vulnerabilities. Is your operating Windows system guarded by malware detection and removal tools? If it is and the Trojan still managed to enter, you may want to think about upgrading the security software. Either way, the malign program can be infiltrated through various drive-by download schemers, and utmost care when surfing the web is exceptionally important. There is no doubt that you should delete Backdoor.Proxybox from your computer; however, this is not as straightforward as you think. To learn more about the removal of the infection please continue reading.

As research shows, Backdoor.Proxybox running is based on a botnet system, which means that it is available for thousands of schemers who lurk for a chance to infect more PCs and collect more money using virtual scams. The malicious program can infect your operating Windows system with multiple components which could paralyze the computer and initiate deceptive operations. If you do not want schemers taking control of your PC, breaching your personal accounts and using them to propagate malware, you should detect and delete all malicious Trojan files. You should firstly look out for rxsupply.sys and sp.dll, both of which can be found under %SystemDrive%. These components can hijack the registry, disturb Windows Physical Memory Protection, connect to remoter servers (e.g., employ BHO to steal your personal data and utilize rootkits to hide Backdoor.Proxybox against removal.

Whether you run Windows 2000 or Windows Vista, you cannot be too safe with the malign backdoor Trojan. Since it is enabled by rootkits, you may cause more harm than good when getting it deleted manually, especially if you do not have the required skills and experience. Fortunately, SpyHunter is a tool which is reliable, legal and easy to use. Click on the download button below, install it and automatic Backdoor.Proxybox removal will be performed within a couple of minutes.

Download Spyware Removal Tool to Remove* Backdoor.Proxybox
  • Quick & tested solution for Backdoor.Proxybox removal.
  • 100% Free Scan for Windows

How to manually remove Backdoor.Proxybox

Files associated with infection (Backdoor.Proxybox):


Processes to kill (Backdoor.Proxybox):


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