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Danger level 6
Type: Trojans
Common infection symptoms:
  • Installs itself without permissions
  • Normal system programs crash immediatelly
  • Slow Computer
  • Slow internet connection
  • System crashes


Backdoor.Kuang.D is a type of Trojan that is responsible for allowing other infections into your computer. Even though it does not spread on its own, Backdoor.Kuang.D can easily provide a remote access to the target system. The problem with such infections is that the user can never know when they really arrive at their system. Quite often things like Backdoor.Kuang.D come bundled together with other programs, some of which might be useful shareware applications, and the user might install Backdoor.Kuang.D himself without even realizing it.

What is more, Backdoor.Kuang.D cannot be detected by a naked eye, so to speak, because this backdoor does not have an interface. The only obvious trace of the infection is the SYSSTAM.exe process file that runs in the Windows Task Manager. This file is associated with Backdoor.Kuang.D and other malware directly, so if you have this process running, then you are definitely infected. There are a lot of thing that Backdoor.Kuang.D can do lest you remove it. For example, it might be responsible for a DDoS attack, making your computer a part of a bigger bot network, or it can install a downloader Trojan that might download even more malware onto your system.

If that weren't enough, Backdoor.Kuang.D can also install a keylogger Trojan that would monitor your browsing habits and steal your information via keylogging. In order to protect yourself you need to remove Backdoor.Kuang.D as soon as possible. If you cannot terminate the Trojan manually, you need to acquire a computer security program that will delete Backdoor.Kuang.D automatically. The sooner you do that the better.

Download Spyware Removal Tool to Remove* Backdoor.Kuang.D
  • Quick & tested solution for Backdoor.Kuang.D removal.
  • 100% Free Scan for Windows

How to manually remove Backdoor.Kuang.D

Files associated with infection (Backdoor.Kuang.D):


Processes to kill (Backdoor.Kuang.D):


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