Danger level 6
Type: Malware
Common infection symptoms:
  • Annoying Pop-up's
  • Connects to the internet without permission
  • Installs itself without permissions
  • Slow Computer
  • Slow internet connection
  • System crashes


Win32.Tufik.C may affect Windows 95, Windows Vista and other Windows versions in between, and it can infiltrate these systems using multiple security backdoors. These may span from infected spam email attachments and latent social engineering links to bundled downloads or fake video codecs. The secret behind successful cyber criminals’ malware distribution attacks hides behind the vulnerabilities created by computer owners/users themselves, as only systems with low-level security implementations can be targeted. If reliable Firewalls and automatic removal tools were existent – you would not need to worry about Win32.Tufik.C removal. Nonetheless, if the virus is running inside your PC, continue reading to find out how this malicious infection can hide from detection and how you should treat it afterwards.

It has been researched that in some cases Win32.Tufik.C does not act outside the infected computer, meaning that it cannot connect to remote servers; nonetheless, this file could be used to aid other malware. In other cases, the malicious virus’ components travel bundled with other deviant components, and these may cause serious detriment. One of the dangerous components is file.exe, an element that can help the infection start running simultaneously with other startup programs, delete processes, tamper with runtime policies, record user names and passwords, utilize email accounts to send mass spam emails or download more dangerous components from remote servers.

The dangerous KartRecovery.exe can communicate to remote servers (e.g.365xinyu.com) and works as a browser helper object which might collect browsing information and present it to cyber criminals behind adware attacks. Another malicious executable is config.exe, and this file is responsible for creating and scheduling batch jobs and implementing IRC protocols to spread malware via Instant Messaging channels. You should not forget explorer.exe either, as this cloaked executable can infect Universal Serial Bus drives, so that every removable device used during the time of the infection could be infected and then employed to spread devious executables further. What is more, explorer.exe may disable safe mode, remove administrative controls to launch Task Manager and Registry Editor to stop you from having Win32.Tufik.C removed or even release fake notifications.

Delete Win32.Tufik.C with legitimate removal tools or trust your own skills proceeding manually. Most importantly, do not think that the malicious application will disappear on its own or that it will not harm your system, because if you give enough time – schemers will utilize your personal space in a very intrusive manner. If you need more information or find some of it unclear – post your queries below and we will assist you promptly.

Download Spyware Removal Tool to Remove* Win32.Tufik.C
  • Quick & tested solution for Win32.Tufik.C removal.
  • 100% Free Scan for Windows

How to manually remove Win32.Tufik.C

Files associated with infection (Win32.Tufik.C):


Processes to kill (Win32.Tufik.C):


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