Click on screenshot to zoom
Danger level 8
Type: Trojans
Common infection symptoms:
  • Installs itself without permissions
  • Connects to the internet without permission
  • Slow internet connection
  • System crashes
  • Slow Computer


TSPY_ZBOT.SMQH is a password stealing Trojan that has been noticed to utilize drive-by downloads and phishing scams to spread across the web, and which can implement keystroke logging codes to collect sensitive login data. Devious social engineering or black hat SEO scams have been proven to have assisted cyber criminals greatly, which is why you should be suspicious about links in online websites, virtual chats and spam emails attachments. All of these sources could help schemers to let the Trojan into your Windows without you even realizing it; therefore, if you do not want to worry about TSPY_ZBOT.SMQH removal – keep away from such fictitious notifications and links within them:

Subject: Australian Taxation Office – New rules Australian
Taxation Office informs you about the changes in the rules of submitting tax report. Please, read about the changes Click Here
Important to know
We do not offer cashier services for tax payments or refunds. For further information on how to pay your taxes, see How to pay ([xxxxx])
We are kindly asking you to keep to rules and terms of tax report submission to avoid penalty.
Best regards,
Andrew Nichols
Australian Taxation Office

TSPY_ZBOT.SMQH is also known by such alias names as Program:Win32/CoinMiner, HackTool.BitCoinMiner, Trojan/Win32.Buzus, Trojan.Zeus or PWS:Win32/Zbot.gen!AF and is managed though remote servers. After entering the computer, the malicious application is set to implement file.exe, a tremendously latent cloaked Trojan’s component which is capable of many dangerous actions. The executable can intercept the functionality of Windows Registry, hijack system’s processes, tamper with the runtime processes, download malware and steal login data from autoexec.bat file. If the file manages to steal online banking or email accounts’ login details, you could face financial loss and your personal accounts could be used to spread malware to other systems. Hence, it is safe to say that you will only be able to remove TSPY_ZBOT.SMQH, if you stop and delete file.exe.

Since TSPY_ZBOT.SMQH does not present noticeable system’s disturbances, can stay hidden from detection or removal and is based on the Blackhole Exploit Kit malware propagation methods, it would be best if you deleted the vicious Trojan from your computer immediately. Since the infection is truly cunning it should not be treated lightly and if you think that you can remove TSPY_ZBOT.SMQH without any skills or experience – you could not be more wrong. If you proceeded without having the right knowledge, you could cause even more damage. Automatic removal tools are definitely much safer to use, and if you implement them quickly, the Trojan will be deleted, and your system will attain reliable protection. Remember that the removal of the devious application is not enough, and you should also update the login data of all online accounts after your Windows are cleaned and safeguarded.

Download Spyware Removal Tool to Remove* TSPY_ZBOT.SMQH
  • Quick & tested solution for TSPY_ZBOT.SMQH removal.
  • 100% Free Scan for Windows

How to manually remove TSPY_ZBOT.SMQH

Files associated with infection (TSPY_ZBOT.SMQH):


Processes to kill (TSPY_ZBOT.SMQH):


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