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Danger level 8
Type: Trojans
Common infection symptoms:
  • Annoying Pop-up's
  • Connects to the internet without permission
  • Installs itself without permissions
  • Shows commercial adverts
  • Slow Computer
  • Slow internet connection
  • Strange toolbar installed without Your permission
  • System crashes


Trojan.Secrar.A, also known as Trojan:Win32/Secrar.A and Win32/Adware.Yontoo.A, is a shockingly detrimental Windows infection that started terrorizing computer owners back in May of 2012. The malicious application is an information stealer that can log your passwords, usernames or online banking data and that can initiate deceptive adware attacks. One of the reasons why you should not allow the program running within your computer is the fact that it could open backdoors for even more dangerous infections to enter. For now, one monstrous infection should keep your hands full, and the provided information will help you delete Trojan.Secrar.A before any more harm has been done.

The strength behind Trojan.Secrar.A lies behind the complexity and surreptitiousness of its malignant components. Some of the devious files have randomly generated names, like 2e63c765.dll and are hidden within C:\Windows\system32. This, however, does not determine the location of all other executables and dynamic link library files. For example, a BHO application bhoclass.dll is found under (%ALLUSERSPROFILE%), and this file has rootkit features which conceal the component and hide it from the removal of existing security software. Unfortunately, this file is not the only one that can circumvent detection and this is the main attribute of mssys.dll, a backdoor that can “invite” more dangerous and infectious components.

Since rootkits are capable of hiding processes of dangerous Trojan.Secrar.A components, you are unlikely to discover and delete rsasws.exe, SpywareCease.exe and kl.exe, the most detrimental components. These executables can hijack processes, reconfigure Windows Registry, violate physical memory protocols, steal login data, utilize your personal accounts to spread malware using social engineering scams, reconfigure Internet Explorer settings and even install malignant toolbars. Additionally, they can also remove Start Menu items, tamper with desktop icons and consequently paralyze your computer’s running. Nonetheless, the most important task of these files is to collect enough information about your virtual activity so that cyber criminals could successfully utilize YontooIEClient.dll._tm (%PROGRAMFILES%) and DailyBibleGuideAuto.exe (%LOCALAPPDATA%) adware components. Therefore, you should not trust any online advertisements or click on suspicious links if you notice any of the mentioned symptoms.

Rootkits are nearly impossible to delete manually, which is why there are no guarantees that even experienced Windows users will be able to succeed at manual Trojan.Secrar.A removal. Luckily, there is a much better and more reliable alternative that you could implement – automatic removal software. Legally acquired tools (e.g. SpyHunter) will remove the infection and will guarantee your PC’s security during any future attacks.

Download Spyware Removal Tool to Remove* Trojan.Secrar.A
  • Quick & tested solution for Trojan.Secrar.A removal.
  • 100% Free Scan for Windows

How to manually remove Trojan.Secrar.A

Files associated with infection (Trojan.Secrar.A):

FilmFanatic Installer(0004ee54).exe

Dynamic Link Libraries to remove (Trojan.Secrar.A):


Processes to kill (Trojan.Secrar.A):

FilmFanatic Installer(0004ee54).exe

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