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Danger level 7
Type: Trojans
Common infection symptoms:
  • Connects to the internet without permission
  • Installs itself without permissions
  • Slow Computer
  • Slow internet connection
  • System crashes


We always say that Trojans seldom come alone to infect your computer and Virus.Ursnif.B is the best proof of that. Once TrojanSpy.Ursnif.B modifies a system file called “termsrv.dll”, that file is detected as Virus.Ursnif.B. The aforementioned Trojan has a reason for damaging the file and making it into a part of the malicious attack – Virus.Ursnif.B disables certain functionalities that are important to termsvr.dll, namely – logging of clients and the ability to check a certificate trust chain.

Since Virus.Ursnif.B is only a part of TrojanSpy.Ursnif.B, there are no definite symptoms of the infection, and all the erratic computer behavior should be credited to the Trojan. TrojanSpy.Ursnif.B itself can cause a total ruckus in your system, because it is a malware that heavily interferes into your system processes, stealing important data, monitoring network traffic and even downloading additional malware applications. With Virus.Ursnif.B and its Trojan on board, you can be sure that your Security Center and Windows Firewall will be disabled.

Then Virus.Ursnif.B helps the Trojan to monitor various networks’ traffic and collect important passwords by the means of keylogging. As a result, TrojanSpy.Ursnif.B breaches your privacy and can infect you with even more serious malicious applications than you could ever imagine. Therefore, in order to avoid ultimate system crash you must remove Virus.Ursnif.B and TrojanSpy.Ursnif.B as well. Getting rid of the Trojan and its components will not be as easy as you might think, and if you are not a computer expert it is not recommended to delete Virus.Ursnif.B on your own, because you might accidentally erase important system files.

It would be better if you acquired a reliable antimalware program and terminated Virus.Ursnift.B and the Trojan automatically. It would be safer and more efficient.

Download Spyware Removal Tool to Remove* Virus.Ursnif.B
  • Quick & tested solution for Virus.Ursnif.B removal.
  • 100% Free Scan for Windows

How to manually remove Virus.Ursnif.B

Files associated with infection (Virus.Ursnif.B):


Dynamic Link Libraries to remove (Virus.Ursnif.B):


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