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Danger level 6
Type: Trojans
Common infection symptoms:
  • Connects to the internet without permission
  • Installs itself without permissions
  • Slow Computer
  • Slow internet connection
  • System crashes


TrojanSpy:MSIL/VB.l is a generic type of Trojan which has been created to gather your personal data and then transfer it over the network to a third party. Most of the time, TrojanSpy:MSIL/VB.l collects data of financial nature from the infected computer. It means that it records your banking passwords and logins by the means of keylogging and stores this information somewhere in a folder in the depths of your system. Not only does TrojanSpy:MSIL/VB.l record your internet banking logins and passwords. It can also easily collect credit card numbers and tax returns whenever you fill out any kind of form requesting such data on your computer. In fact, the Trojan can store any kind of information that is deemed to be useful to the hacker who has created the pest.

Since TrojanSpy:MSIL/VB.l is able to connect to the internet without even prompting you, it can then send the collected data to the attacker over the network and your financial security can certainly be exposed to a great threat. TrojanSpy:MSIL/VB.l always remains connected to the internet, because it receives configuration data and instructions on further behavior from its creator. Apart from being a very sneaky thief this Trojan can also slow down your computer performance and take a good portion of your bandwidth.

If you think that something is wrong with your system, open Windows Task Manager and check for UAC.exe. It is a process that is directly associated with TrojanSpy:MSIL/VB.l and from that we can also see that this Trojan can come bundled with a fraudulent security program (such as rogue antispyware). TrojanSpy:MSIL/VB.l is also able to stay low in order to avoid being detected by securitry products.

Needless to say, that this parasite causes a great damage to your system, so you simply must get rid of TrojanSpy:MSIL/VB.l as soon as possible. There are manual removal instructions, but if you find manual removal too challenging, do invest into a trustworthy antimalware application that will remove TrojanSpy:MSIL/VB.l for you automatically. Whichever way you prefer to deal with this issue, do it as soon as you can, so that your computer could go back to normal again.

Download Spyware Removal Tool to Remove* TrojanSpy:MSIL/VB.I
  • Quick & tested solution for TrojanSpy:MSIL/VB.I removal.
  • 100% Free Scan for Windows

How to manually remove TrojanSpy:MSIL/VB.I

Files associated with infection (TrojanSpy:MSIL/VB.I):


Dynamic Link Libraries to remove (TrojanSpy:MSIL/VB.I):


Processes to kill (TrojanSpy:MSIL/VB.I):


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