Danger level 7
Type: Malware


Program:Win32/Dldsu.A is an unwanted application first detected in February 2011. This program will install other malware and applications without the PC owner’s permission, and in that way endangering the security and performance of the system.

Program:Win32/Dldsu.A will make its presence known by displaying what seems to be a YouTube Downloader Setup activation screen. It will seem like a typical setup procedure to download and install an application which supposedly allows the user to easily download and save YouTube videos.

This threat will also create the following directory on the system:


When the application is executed on the system, Program:Win32/Dldsu.A will contact the following remote hosts in order to receive additional instructions and download other files to the compromised PC:


Some of the programs noted to be downloaded to an infected PC by Program:Win32/Dldsu.A include:

PDF Reader 9.1
VLC Media Player
PDF Creator
Youtube Downloader
Flash FLV Player
Emule Accelerator 4.1

It is worth nothing that due to the very nature of Program:Win32/Dldsu.A, this program is subject to change its behavior and can download any type of malicious file or malware application to the system at any time. Protect your system against this possible threat and damage and destroy Program:Win32/Dldsu.A immediately. This can best be achieved by using a powerful security tool.

Download Spyware Removal Tool to Remove* Program:Win32/Dldsu.A
  • Quick & tested solution for Program:Win32/Dldsu.A removal.
  • 100% Free Scan for Windows

How to manually remove Program:Win32/Dldsu.A

Files associated with infection (Program:Win32/Dldsu.A):


Processes to kill (Program:Win32/Dldsu.A):


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