Click on screenshot to zoom
Danger level 9
Type: Rogue Anti-Spyware
Common infection symptoms:
  • Blocks internet connection
  • Block exe files from running
  • Installs itself without permissions
  • Connects to the internet without permission
  • Shows commercial adverts
  • Normal system programs crash immediatelly
  • Slow internet connection
  • System crashes
  • Annoying Pop-up's
  • Slow Computer

OpenCloud Security

If you are in the market for a powerful, user friendly security application to protect your system against malicious threats then steer clear of OpenCloud Security. This rogue antispyware application, which derives from the same despicable family of rogues as OpenCloud Antivirus and Wolfram Antivirus, only pretends to be able to detect and remove malicious threats from a PC, but in reality OpenCloud Security is a malicious threat in itself. Of course OpenCloud Security will attempt to convince its prospective victims of its legitimacy, but this does not change the fact that OpenCloud Security is unable to live up to any of its promises.

Download Spyware Removal Tool to Remove* OpenCloud Security
  • Quick & tested solution for OpenCloud Security removal.
  • 100% Free Scan for Windows

If you are wondering how OpenCloud Security manages to gain entry to the system, it uses various seditious infection tactics to surreptitiously root itself in the system. These range from bundling its Trojans and malware together with third party security downloads and updates, and by using infected online malware scanners. As of late it has also been reported that makes use of seditious browser hijacking websites, which employ drive-by download tactics. These browser hijackers forcefully redirect users to compromised landing pages, where the OpenCloud Security infection is forcefully rooted into the system without the user’s knowledge.

Users complained about being unable to execute applications on systems infected with OpenCloud Security, and also about blocked Internet connections. Other symptoms reported included poor system performance and increased erratic system behavior. Each time the user attempts to launch an executable, the following fake alert will be generated:

The file "taskmgr.exe" is infected. Running of application is impossible.
Please activate your antivirus software.

As a further attack on the system, OpenCloud Security will spam the user with various falsely generated security alerts which is intended to panic the user into thinking his PC is under attack. Some of the more popular fake alerts to be on the lookout for include the following:

Security Warning
There are critical system files on your computer that were modified by malicious software.
It may cause permanent data loss.
Click here to remove malicious software.

Warning: Infection is Detected
Windows has found spyware infection on your computer!
Click here to update your Windows antivirus software

Warning: Spyware Detected
Windows has found spy programs running on your computer!
Click here to update your Windows antivirus software

In order to circumvent these annoying symptoms, enter the following security key into the rogue:


By entering the above key, you will not be able to remove OpenCloud Security from the system. You will only be stopping the symptoms from annoying you, but you will still have to delete OpenCloud Security from the system.

When all is said and done, this malicious fake security tool will only leave your PC devastated, and will not live up to any of its over embellished promises. In order to prevent this, users are warned to get rid of OpenCloud Security immediately. This is best achieved by using a properly functioning security tool which will not only erase OpenCloud Security but also protect against similar attacks in future.

Download Spyware Removal Tool to Remove* OpenCloud Security
  • Quick & tested solution for OpenCloud Security removal.
  • 100% Free Scan for Windows

How to renew your internet connection:

This rogue antispyware blocks your Internet connection to prevent you from removing the rogue application. To enable the Internet connection, please follow these instructions:
  1. Open Internet Explorer and go to >Tools< select >Internet Options<

  2. Select >Connections<

  3. Select >LAN Settings<

  4. Now you need to uncheck the checkbox labeled >Use a proxy server for your LAN< in Proxy Server section. Then press the >OK< button to close this screen and press the >OK< button to close the Internet Options screen.

  5. Now you can download the SpyHunter scanner and remove the infection.

Download Spyware Removal Tool to Remove* OpenCloud Security
  • Quick & tested solution for OpenCloud Security removal.
  • 100% Free Scan for Windows

How to manually remove OpenCloud Security

Files associated with infection (OpenCloud Security):

OpenCloud Security.lnk
OpenCloud Security.exe
%UserProfile%\Desktop\OpenCloud Security.lnk
%StartMenu%\Programs\OpenCloud Security\OpenCloud Security.lnk
%StartMenu%\Programs\OpenCloud Security\
%AppData%\OpenCloud Security\wf.conf
%AppData%\OpenCloud Security\OpenCloud Security.ico
%AppData%\OpenCloud Security\OpenCloud Security.exe
%AppData%\OpenCloud Security\

Dynamic Link Libraries to remove (OpenCloud Security):


Processes to kill (OpenCloud Security):

OpenCloud Security.exe
%AppData%\OpenCloud Security\OpenCloud Security.exe


  1. Pissed off MOFO Sep 27, 2011

    why isn't someone suing these bastards?! that ***** got into my machine and ruined the boot sector. I could not recover the drive since it was encrypted. I hate those sons-of-bitches and hope they die from cancer of the eyes!

  2. PR Sep 29, 2011

    Has anyone used this removal tool? How do I know that these tools won't cause even MORE problems?

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