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Danger level 7
Type: Trojans
Common infection symptoms:
  • Annoying Pop-up's
  • Connects to the internet without permission
  • Installs itself without permissions
  • Slow Computer
  • Slow internet connection
  • System crashes


Any kind of Trojan is a dangerous malicious program and Trojan.Pupegger.B is of no exception. Just like any other Trojan this one arrives at your system without your knowledge or consent. It might pretend to be a useful program which performs a desirable function, or it could be bundled with a shareware program that you download on your own, thinking it might improve your computer’s performance. What you end up with, however, is Trojan.Pupegger.B which is very far from being a good software program.

To put it simply, Trojan.Pupegger.B is a computer parasite that is not able to spread on its own, so it needs a kind of a vehicle that would distribute it all over the network. Also, it does not have a complete set of actions it might inflict on your computer, because whatever Trojan.Pupegger.B does to your system depends on the hacker who controls it. When this Trojan gets into your computer, you might be unaware of the infection for a certain period of time, because the Trojan does not have a definite interface. Yet, the presence of the following files might indicate that your security has been breached:

There is also another way to make sure whether you have been infected by Trojan.Pupegger.B. This Trojan has a process which appears in your Windows Task Manager. The name of the process is GoogleUpdateBeta.exe. The Trojan obviously conceals its malicious nature by making use of a popular search engine name, but if you see this process in your Task Manager and your computer is exhibiting a weird behavior as of late, then you are in trouble.

Usually when Trojan.Pupegger.B is in, at first it checks whether you are connected to the internet and whether it can use the network to communicate with a remote server. Then, it informs the hacker who has created the Trojan that another computer has been infected. Afterwards Trojan.Pupegger.B over the network receives configurations and instructions of what to do next. Not to mention that it can easily download and execute various malicious files, so if you are infected with this Trojan, it is very likely that you will also get another type of malware into your system. The Trojan in question is especially dangerous, because it can also steal private data of financial nature.

Therefore, you must remove Trojan.Pupegger.B as soon as you can. Manual removal is certainly possible, but if you do not know how to work with registry entries and where to find all the Trojan-related files, better resort to an automatic removal with a computer safeguard program of your choice, because automatic removal is faster and more efficient, not to mention that the program later on secures your computer against similar attacks.

Download Spyware Removal Tool to Remove* Trojan.Pupegger.B
  • Quick & tested solution for Trojan.Pupegger.B removal.
  • 100% Free Scan for Windows

How to manually remove Trojan.Pupegger.B

Files associated with infection (Trojan.Pupegger.B):


Processes to kill (Trojan.Pupegger.B):


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