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Danger level 6
Type: Trojans


Trojan.Camec.A is a harmful Trojan which enters the system surreptitiously and was created to steal users’ sensitive information like financial info and passwords, and relay it to remote servers. This is all done without the user’s knowledge or permission, and is virtually undetectable without the help of a powerful security tool.

This Trojan bundles itself together with third party security updates and downloads, as well as browser hijacking websites. These browser hijackers forcefully redirects its victims to its compromised landing pages, where it uses established drive-by download tactics to root Trojan.Camec.A in the system. Because its infiltration is done so surreptitiously the user will have a tough time to identify and remove Trojan.Camec.A from the system without some type of help.

Should the file: /shdoflash.dll be found on the system, this is a clear indication of the presence of Trojan.Camec.A on the PC. It will be installed on the system as a Browser Helper Object (BHO). It will deliver the user’s stolen data to the following suspicious websites:

This Trojan is deemed as a severe risk to any PC’s security and privacy, and it is strongly advised that should infection have incurred to immediately erase Trojan.Camec.A from the system to avoid the damage associated with this security risk. Unless you are experienced with performing manual removals, it is not advisable to manually remove Trojan.Camec.A as this can easily cause permanent damage to your system. Instead download a genuine and powerful security tool, which will also offer future adequate protection against similar attacks and threats.

Download Spyware Removal Tool to Remove* Trojan.Camec.A
  • Quick & tested solution for Trojan.Camec.A removal.
  • 100% Free Scan for Windows

How to manually remove Trojan.Camec.A

Files associated with infection (Trojan.Camec.A):


Dynamic Link Libraries to remove (Trojan.Camec.A):


Processes to kill (Trojan.Camec.A):


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