1 of 5
Danger level 9
Type: Rogue Anti-Spyware
Common infection symptoms:
  • Block exe files from running
  • Installs itself without permissions
  • Connects to the internet without permission
  • Slow internet connection
  • Annoying Pop-up's
  • Slow Computer
  • Blocks internet connection
  • System crashes
Infection Video Security Solution 2011

Security Solution 2011

There is a fake security program called Security Solution 2011 which looks very much like a real antivirus application, but don’t be fooled by its pretty looks. It is a rogue antispyware which has been created to slither into your computer undetected and then terrorize you until it harasses you into paying for the license version of this worthless program. This is why you need to protect your system from catching the Security Solution 2011 infection.

Download Spyware Removal Tool to Remove* Security Solution 2011
  • Quick & tested solution for Security Solution 2011 removal.
  • 100% Free Scan for Windows

Being cautious while browsing the Internet is also very important if you want to avoid getting infected by rogues such as Security Solution 2011. Rogue applications like this are very adept at using various means of distribution such as fake online malware scanners, flash advertisements, browser hijackers, spam email and so on. The key point in the face of the threatening infection is not to click on unfamiliar links. Just because you feel like it is worth clicking, it does not meant it is actually so. Your negligence might lead to you really catching Security Solution 2011 and then you will be up for a long fight.

When this rogue entrenches in your system is starts sending you a whole palette of fake security errors messages. Don’t forget the fake system scan as well. The results of this “scan” will tell you that you have been infected by multiple parasites, but that is done in order to make you pay for Security Solution 2011. Some of the fake threats Security Solution 2011 will report on include TrojanDownloader:JS/Renos, Pigax.gen.al921565b71957m Keygen-Nero.a and W32/Autorun.worm5492698F. None of these threats are really present on the infected system, and Security Solution 2011 only incorporates this as part of its attack against the PC owner.

As a further attack, Security Solution 2011 will spam the user with various fake security threats. Several of the popular fake alerts used by Security Solution 2011 as part of its attack against the system read as follows:

Name Win64.BIT.Looker.exe

Risk High

Description Win64.BIT.Looker software that puts high physical demand on hardware may damage it by excessive wear and tear. This worm can be blocked from firewall and antivirus software.

Keep Blocking


Activate Protection

System critical warning!

You have been infected by a proxy-relay Trojan server with new and danger “SpamBots”.

You have a computer with a virus that sends spam.

This is a mass-mailing worm with backdoor thus allowing un-authorized access to the infected system.

It spreads by mass-mailing itself to e-email addresses harvested from the local computer or by querying on-line search engines such as google.com.

The IP address that YOU are getting from Internet Service Provider (ISP) for YOU personal computer is one some major blacklist.

Your computer has been used to send a huge amount of junk e-mail messages during the last days.

You IP will be marked in the Police log file as mass-mailing spam assist.

Upgrading to the full version Security Solution 2011 will eliminate the majority of spam attempts

In the above fake alert, the user will only be able to select ‘Activate Protection’. This will redirect him to various payment processing websites, where he will be pressured into making payment for Security Solution 2011. Some of the known online payment portals are:

  • securitysolution2011.com
  • securitysolution2011ltd.com
  • securitysolution2011corp.com

Security Solution 2011’s listed selling prices on these malicious sites are as follows:

  • $59.95 for a 12 month license
  • $69.95 for a 3 year software license and
  • $89.95 for a lifetime software license + special support

It is absolutely clear from the above fake alert that Security Solution 2011 is a fake application – not least because of all the blatantly obvious spelling and grammatical errors, but that it reports on a fake IP address as well.

In order to facilitate its removal, enter the following activation key into Security Solution 2011:


This will only ‘activate’ Security Solution 2011 on the system, and disable its annoying symptoms. Users should not regard this as effectively having removed Security Solution 2011 from the system, as the threat is still present.

Never pay for any Security Solution 2011 product, and do not reveal your payment information to the above domains, as this will put you at further risk of criminal victimization. Instead if you find yourself infected with this rogue you have to obliterate Security Solution 2011 as soon as possible in order to limit the harm it will cause to your PC.

Download Spyware Removal Tool to Remove* Security Solution 2011
  • Quick & tested solution for Security Solution 2011 removal.
  • 100% Free Scan for Windows

How to manually remove Security Solution 2011

Files associated with infection (Security Solution 2011):

Security Solution.exe

Processes to kill (Security Solution 2011):

Security Solution.exe


  1. Peter May 23, 2011

    Thank you VERY much for this guide! Excellent job! It helped me prevent this crap.

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